Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height & Weight: 5'3" and around 50 kg (last I checked)

Marital status: Single

Education: Bachelors in Computer Science & Masters (in progress)

Profession: Information Security

Hobbies: Anime, manga/manhwa, movies, series, games, sports (mainly football & table tennis), podcasts and of course daydreaming 🀑

Do you want kids? Yes, eventually

Religion: Muslim (Sunni)

Although I believe being born in a muslim household is a huge blessing upon me, I do not want it to be the only reason for me being a muslim. I want to be able to understand Islam from its depths and become a better muslim. I'd expect the same from my partner in this regard.

Deal breakers: non-practising, materialistic, poor hygiene, rude, immoral, smoking, drugs, vaping, reckless spending, close-minded and coughs high maintenance.

Interesting facts about me: I consider myself an introvert (still feel awkward in public sometimes for no reason lol), I'm working on it and I try to have on good conversation with new people without running out of topics (which is difficult tbh) but when I'm with the right people it can be a completely different story. My friend circle is also quite limited.

I think I've got what people call a goldfish brain lol. Sometimes I easily forget stuff that I'm supposed to remember and other times even the most useless and random stuff lives rent-free in my brain.

I used to binge on lot of anime, manga/manhua, movies etc but nowadays not so much due to other stuff such as work. It'd be great if my partner has similar interests so we can enjoy it all together.

City: Karachi

Residence (Own/Rented): Rented

Family details: Middle class. Father's a retired govt officer and mother's a retired teacher. Two married sisters.

Joint/Nuclear: Joint

Requirements: - Practising Muslim (Sunni) - Hijabi & dresses modestly - Education: bachelors or equivalent - Age: 22 to 26 (not a strict range)

Expectations: I want my partner to be an honest, kind, caring and empathetic person. She should be respectful towards both her own family as well as mine. She should possess a good sense of humor (wouldn't mind some dark humor here and there) and empathy.

She must be a practising muslim and a hijabi, her own relationship with Allah should be strong enough and she should be doing it for Him alone.

Timeframe in which you want to marry(Optional): 1 to 2 years (can discuss this further)

To sum it all up, as the cliche goes "I'm a work in progress" and I hope to meet someone similar so we can share our journey and struggles and support each other in become better versions of ourselves.