Destroyer is easiest to cheese, Skeletron Prime is probably the easiest without cheese strats

My issue with destroyer is that, if you’re too strong you can get overwhelmed by the insane amount of probes that spawn. I’ve only ever first tried it when it was my first Mech Boss. And even then, I’ve died to it post moon lord with the Last Prism because of said probes.

Hm. I’ll just add more mushroom grass so it’s consistent.

Exactly! You use the Grubberflies as fishing bait in the new fishing minigame!

For reference: I'm getting pretty consistently to phase 3, but dying right as it reaches there due to low health.

What if you have it on computer, but use reddit mobile, what’s your solution to that? Installing an app on your computer to ask one question, just to go back to using that same app on your phone again is way too tedious for what it’s worth. If you’re going to help someone, would you rather have no image, or a slightly messy image?

I honestly wish that the switch could still have the option to do what you could on the Wii U by using the gamepad as a controller. That was pretty cool. I liked how it was used in many games like Mario Party.

I was gonna say drugs, but this works too

I saw the text first. Including the words “The Dinosaur”.

Girl spelled backwards is liar

So untrue! Grr!