Ben Stiller playing his own dad at the end was great.

He's so aware of what he is doing

That was my thought... which then leads me to think it's not fine that it's broken.

So it's fine that it's broken? Why do we have them then?

  1. Also has the best opening credits music.

"Reinvented". Too vague a term to excite me but specific enough in today's culture to worry me.

Find an average weight of each rock and multiply by how many rocks there are (estimated).

The entire thing is a big experiment to see how many people will vote for someone who has obvious cognitive decline and should not be working at all... let alone the president of the united states. There were still a lot of people who say they will vote for Biden/whoever his caregivers are. So they are doing it again after a few more months of decline to see what the figures will be.

So I know we need police to not use excessive force... but we also need them to not look weak and incompetent.

Who isn't aware they are the ONLY one

Hit? Almost never. Pressed on hard from a foot or hip? More often.

Not even. We have laws against shooting people. Prosecute those who violate the law and give consequences.

They created a new office to do what? Prevent gun violence? So they weren't trying to prevent it before? We needed to spend how much money on this? And now that it's a new office we are going to have to pay those people who work for it forever. The government always adds "just one more" thing. They are like a shitty HOA at this point.

This got better and better as it went.

Sweet. Need a few more exciting matches in ADCC this year.

Gets him to the ground with Judo. Wrestling/bjj to keep him there.

Century Martial Arts probably could do this or whatever you want.

I don't care if it's fake... we need this movie made