I don’t see why we should be compared to these ridiculous rhinoceros standards. 🤣

Or she can’t cook for shit and having a guy being able to cook shows her inadequacy. Have to reject that, lol.

Damn, good thing it didn’t look like a fully grown moose.

Roll him up in a carpet and throw him off a bridge.

The dude was the best sport, ever.

I gave up. Closest I ever got was her at 10% health.

I hated those dicks. Not sure what changed where I eventually beat them. Prob just leveled up enough and hit them w a blunt weapon.

Even the nurse’s look says, “I can’t believe this shit.”

I’m guessing that’s the prosecution’s table cracking up. I would too. Got-damn.

Positively dying for it.

I haven’t felt this old since I got out of bed this morning.

There were dogs in the video maybe but all I could focus on was that terrible TV watching experience.

Fallout 2. Must have finished it 5 times just trying different builds, etc.

Is there a gas leak in the neighborhood? Yikes.

You look great, especially in the first pic. Maybe always be struggling to open containers? 🤷‍♂️

Cook guy is just thinking, “every damn day some white girl catches a beating here.”

Looked like every employee got a punch in except him.

Guess where her hands are and you’ll understand the kiss.