Karma bot stole it from this post two years ago where it didn’t make sense there either. Downvote and report


You can’t low and slow the whole way. Either hit the skin with direct heat before or after.

ground up tires as mulch

Thought it was black mulch. Jesus. Yeah dude no get that shit out asap.

I was talking about hoodsie’s once to some transplants and the drunk girl from Jersey blurted out that it sounds like a pet name for an uncut 🍆 she was wrong about a lot of stuff but not this one.

There is no Newbury Street Tasty.

If you don't give us the money shot I'm going to assume you over cooked it.

Since the AH-64 is the best helicopter in the world, what's in a distant 2nd place?


You might get some branching out but it's going to take a longgg time. You may have been better off leaving it and duct taping over the break.

Think of the stem as hundreds of straws bundled together. As long as you keep some straws from being severed you can usually save the plant.

Ketchup. Give me Heinz

But also don't give me crappy ketchup either. Heinz is the only acceptable ketchup.

If the movie The Final Countdown was remade, would you change the ending?

It was a VH-92A Patriot. Eventually it will be Marine One but it is not yet cleared for VIP transport

The limos arrived at Logan today and that’s where they’re flying out of tomorrow night.

How tight of a budget of broke do you have to be to ask someone that’s never cooked brisket to cater your wedding?

baking soda coating à la Kenji Lopez-Alt’s method

It’s baking powder. Not soda.

Yeah but it sounds like cost of rocks was his primary problem. Edging a bed that size shouldn’t take more than a couple minutes once a year and then regularly zip it with the weed wacker.

Pull the rocks and turn it into a planting bed with shade loving plants and just mulch it.

No idea how he missed.

He didn't. It just wasn't fatal.

If you slow the video down you can see him get one round off. You see the slide rack back and the recoil.

or driving out to NH to stay after the game

don't do that to yourself.

wow skimmed right through that part.

Judging 100% solely by the spoon on the plate, dude goes through a lot of unnecessary extra steps.

Also bacon fat in a squirt bottle? Afraid to ask the process here. You warm that up every time you need a teaspoon of bacon fat? lol

This dudes life gives me anxiety lol

That concerned looking animal.

The fat on the breast didn’t render as much as I wanted/expected

poking holes definitely helps but hard to say if more would help unless you only did a few. A better question is what temp did you cook it at and what temp did you take it to?

How long is stock good for?

2-4 months in the freezer. Week at most in the fridge.