
Ria is going to be presenting info on the H3 rocket, Japan's own domestically produced liquid hydrogen and oxygen (supplemented by solid boosters) rocket!

Really enjoying the image of calling a stick of satellites "critters".

Ria is streaming the launch of NROL-186 on Falcon 9! This booster will be flying for the 8th time from Vandenburg.

Fauna temporarily joins the Republic of Coffee anytime pumpkin spice or matcha lattes are within reaching distance.

I just realized any potential figma for Ceci will be more accurate than the PUP πŸ˜‚

The best parts are the random ad-libs straight into perfect singing. She just matched Biboo Tax to the beat of Take On Me... in Biboo's voice 🀣


Ria is going to stream the launch of GOES-U on Falcon Heavy in 2 hours (17:00 EDT)! This weather satellite for the NOAA will be delivered to a geosynchronous transfer orbit. All boosters will be launching for their first time, with both side boosters returning to the launch site and the center core expended into the Atlantic. After a length of terrible weather in the last two weeks, current conditions are green and the launch window will last for two hours.

Fun fact about Falcon Heavy: The rocket can carry double the payload of Falcon 9 to low earth orbit (LEO) and geosynchronous transfer orbit, but triple the payload to a trans-lunar injection! In comparison to the SLS, it carries about 2/3 as much to LEO.

Weather is currently 30% favorable for launch (30% chance of a gap in the winds and clouds) as of 15:40 EDT.
Weather update brings us to 60% favorable for launch, with clouds and static electricity as the biggest concerns as of 16:20 EDT.
Launch is now scheduled for 17:25 EDT, 10 minutes into the window.
Ria is live and we are tracking 8 minutes to launch!
Successful launch and landings! It'll be 4 hours until the deployment of GOES-U.


Ceci is such a little gremlin
Edit: She's a gremlin AND a menace to Dunwall πŸ˜‚

Timestamp starts at 5:40:33 here, but there are additional timestamps in the comments.

She's joined Suisei in the very rare group where any song she sings during karaoke is just going to go on the list of official covers.

She's a certified green yapper. I'm already enjoying this 100%. You could say I've been conditioned into enjoying this LMAO

At this point, when artists say they aren't good at drawing they must be comparing themselves to Da Vinci lmao


edit: nevermind, Raora quit πŸ˜‚