I’d be into the Whalers gear if I didn’t associate it with Carolina.

The lettering definitely looks smaller on larger jerseys. Not bad though. My biggest complaint with Jenna (and most fakes) is the crest on the neckline. Yours looks pretty good.

Bendis makes everyone speak Yiddish though.

So done with Kakko. Idk if it’s just not the place for him or if he’s just not the talent he was expected to be. Either way, he’s been super disappointing.

I mean, she also consoled Luke for some dude he just met dying when her whole planet was blown up. Leia… isn’t really good at these things.

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Been saying it all year (and getting downvoted for it). Kakko has not developed the way he was supposed to and he was practically dead weight in these playoffs after having a totally lackluster season.

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Love this. Right now, it’s hard to think of anything other than the loss, but in time everyone will remember how fun this season was. This team was there for a lot of us and will continue to mean so much to so many of us, and now is a really nice time to try and be mindful of that. Thanks for sharing.

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

I was just glad to not get shut out. I knew we weren’t getting another goal, but it was a slight consolation to not get eliminated without scoring a single goal.

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

I mean, they got to the ECF. He got to see his team play in June. It wasn’t a bad season, just a rough ending.

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Yeah, given how Tarasenko has been doing in these playoffs, jumping from Ottawa to Florida has been a real free ride for him.

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Don’t… don’t do that. That’s not fair.

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

We’re 2-for-2 when Zib just fucks off mid-play

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Ok I actually got this one

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Reminder that Steve Levy has never been a professional athlete and has never played hockey.

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Good thing you’re not a Ranger

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Levy is always a dick and he knows literally nothing about hockey

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

Take care, brush ya hair

Petition to call Panarin “The Whole Loaf”

I bought someone a Jenna jersey that I was pretty impressed with.

This sofa is inadequate.

I came up with an alternate/potential future JL lineup that included Dick Grayson as Augur, head of operations for the League. It would be post-retirement, with Damian taking the mantle of Nightwing. The League also included Jon Kent as Superman, Wally West as the Flash, Cassie Sandsmark as Wonder Woman, Arthur Curry Jr. as Aquaman, Jaime Reyes Blue Beetle, and and a grown-up Nobody (from Tomasi’s Batman and Robin run). Dick would basically be the League’s Oracle, with Wally and Cassie leading the team in the field.

Meanwhile, Barbara would still be Oracle for street-level heroes, including Rook (Tim Drake) and his Robin (Dick and Bab’s son Jimmy Grayson). Also, Jason would have found a way to permanently kill Ra’s Al Ghul and take over the League of Assassins, putting him at odds with the family, but being a reluctant ally to Dick’s JL.

I posted some fanart here a while ago… but nobody really liked it lol

Ok, so you have a very narrow view of what’s considered attractive.

You made me zoom in and I can’t see anything, but there’s a very low chance that King is back on drugs. He’s been very open about how dangerous his addictions were and he doesn’t seem to have relapsed in decades.

I’ve wanted Daniel Craig as Professor X for years. He could play a perfect mix of sympathetic, wise, and caring AND manipulative and secretive.

I’d cast Viggo Mortensen as Magneto. He brings a very likable and trustworthy presence to a character who you absolutely cannot trust. It’d be fun to see him in the villain role.