They need to make you think you desperately need the next gear level. Which you do: you'll see how stuff starts landing again after g19. Exactly like it was long ago with g15s Vs g16s.

You're probably right in the essence, but the premise is naive. CC Envoys are exactly the kind of people that bought shuri to 5 stars on release and will do the same with pym. You might get some rant about the release design but what they will show is themselves buying CB.

It's just a plain joke with no hidden meaning to it. Joke should be he makes you think it's a misogynistic remark and then there's the joke. The magnitude and type of the fun might very well categorize this as a dad joke.

You just directly approach with "excuse me ma'am, you're in my assigned seat" with the biggest smile you can manage before they can catch what's happening and manipulate you into submission before you can even say something. If she insists, you say "no, I'd rather sit in my assigned seat, thank you". If she then starts being confrontational, you just drop immediately and beeline for the flight attendant to have her removed. Sitting in your assigned seat is a very simple, dumbass-proof rule and there's no need for confrontation. Plus, let the flight attendants tame beastly passengers. It's part of their job, even though I agree that ideally they shouldn't have to do this.

What is "we're America" even supposed to mean? That you're supposed to have a strong and honest President? How many times has that happened?

The word "chronic" techically doesn't mean "permanent" tho. It comes from the ancient Greek "khronikós", which means "related to time" which, in turn, comes from "khrónos", "time".

"Chronic" means it lasts longer than the "usual" symptoms->diagnosis->cure, or that it will reoccur or become symptomatic again more or less cyclically in time without really going away, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's permanent.

However, a chronic illness may indeed be permanent and it's surely true that most of them are or can be permanent. Point is, chronic =/= permanent. Chronic = long.

Tom cruise most likely has some loose screws. Will Smith too probably but I'm fairly sure a bit less of them.

Red Dead Redemption 2.

I basically found out there was in fact a way to fast travel from mostly everywhere (and that fast travel wasn't only caravans) around half game. Still didn't use it most of the times.

Alligator probably just ate all their fish and bait and then took a nap until the bail sign was given

One of the rare occasions in which one is right and everyone else is wrong.

If your intent for a pool party is cosplaying cocktail-sipping poles and exchanging excruciating small talk with borderline strangers that's not a pool party. It's not even a party in the first place.

I'll take the elephant then.


It will happen around you in a mostly random pattern. It will progressively intensify as you age. The causes and the impact on you and people around will change as time passes. It could hit any being around you and sometimes it'll hit so close you will hear the scythe zoom. And then, obviously, it will be you.

Mourning is normal. Fear is superfluous. Surprise is naive.

That's probably still extremely complex to read for the average audience of the guy