Thanks, you can see some process photos in the post. Once design and layout are done, I'll transfer it to the prepared wood typically by tracing it and using carbon copy paper.

On this one, I used a jigsaw to cut out the pattern. Then I use a cordless router to outline the letters and create stop cuts. Then it's hammer and chisel time, Once everything is done I'll sand and use a dremel with a kutzall bit or a sanding bit to clean up anything that needs cleaning up.

Then it's oil stain, dry
Paint (I use Createx Wicked airbrush acrylics because they'll adhere to anything and dry to a pretty durable finish)
Final coat (Masterclear Supreme Gloss)

Thank you! I do design/layouts with photoshop at scale, and print on blueprint paper. I then trace the designs onto the prepared wood using carbon-copy paper.

All my ladies love it! (Meaning my wife and my 2 girls). This will look good in our garden I think.

Etsy in profile

This one is going to hang in our garden. My little girls really loved it.

Basswood, airbrushed acrylics.

Helicopters go down fairly often unfortunately-especially in wind/rain/fog, and more often than not in hills/mountains. Don't forget Kobe Bryant, Stevie Ray Vaughan, etc.

I'm 99% sure this was just an accident.

I'm also 99% sure Iran isn't going to go all "Israel Did This!" regardless, because they don't actually want a war with Israel and that would be the only response to an assassination of such a high level official.

Focus on getting the best shape camera you can. Make sure to check the power switch lever (some people are too forceful, so they can crack and then break off) and the back buttons.

A couple quality 3rd party batterys and a decent strap will cost you $80.

Well if you don't have a military, human nature is gonna make you choose between fighting and victimization too.

They didn't really overturn a law they overturned one of their old decisions. As much as I agree with Women's rights, for all it's good intentions Roe v Wade was a really convoluted and tortured piece of judicial gymnastics and everyone knew it.

Historically speaking, far-left Dems ruined the best chance for codifying abortion rights there ever has been.

Dems failed to pass an abortion law in the 90s with strong bipartisan support because the far left wanted unrestricted abortion up through the third trimester and to do away with any waiting periods and parental notification for minors - stuff that normal Dems that weren't far left couldn't stomach. They were a poison pill to an otherwise balanced and reasonable piece of legislation that would have passed through both the House and Senate

Assuming this is a break-action shotgun, the trigger needs to be pulled to set the ejector to push the hull out when the action is opened.

Mentioned in the article...
SawStop vows to free up a key patent for rivals

However, one key patent — the "840" patent — is not set to expire until 2033. To stave off potential competitors, it describes the AIM technology very broadly. In a surprise move at February's CPSC hearing, TTS Tooltechnic Systems North America CEO Matt Howard announced that the company would "dedicate the 840 patent to the public" if a new safety standard were adopted

Did you even bother reading the article?

SawStop vows to free up a key patent for rivals

However, one key patent — the "840" patent — is not set to expire until 2033. To stave off potential competitors, it describes the AIM technology very broadly. In a surprise move at February's CPSC hearing, TTS Tooltechnic Systems North America CEO Matt Howard announced that the company would "dedicate the 840 patent to the public" if a new safety standard were adopted

Lenin set up NEP as a temporary measure after the complete and total fucking mess they made of the economy after the revolution. Industrial output was down 20% below pre-war levels and agricultural output was down over 50% and the public was miserable and about to revolt. NEP was always meant to be a temporary fix until they could adopt a full communistic economy (they were still waiting for the worker's revolution to take hold of the rest of the world, except it didn't)

Deng recognized the clusterfuck that the USSR had made of their economy by the 80's would eventually collapse and adopted capitalist ideals of private employment, private services, and private manufacturing, ownership, and sale of finished goods while the State would still own the banks, the land, and the raw materials - while the public could now improve their standing through individual capitalistic efforts, the State/collective were the ultimate beneficiaries.

Yes, Lahmajun was made in a shop just down the street from their apartment in Avan, and spas is definitely accepted as Armenian.

But hummus just wasn't as common. I couldn't find it at Armenian grocers in 2016 (CITI or SAS)

The only Armenian food restaurant I've seen in the US outside of Glendale was in Chicago. The owner was 3rd-generation diaspora and the food was terrible.


It definitely been my experience that western-living 2nd/3rd/4th-gen diaspora has adopted many dishes thinking they're 'Armenian' or that they're somehow common in Armenian life when they're really only common amongst diasporan Armenians living in the west (edit or in the Middle East).

I'm American. My Armenian wife (born Yerevan) and her parents had never had or heard of hummus (or nutmeg cake) until coming to America. It was the same with her Russia-living Armenian extended family.

However the Armenian church in our area serves these things and other persian/arabic dishes fairly often and even included them in their cookbook.

I hate the word 'pornification.' Seems like a negative dogwhistle. Just because content is titillating or arousing doesn't equate it to porn. That's the same type of thinking that, in the past, equated a women wearing a skirt that showed her ankles with a whore.

The #1 PR agency in the world is Edelman. What do they show for their work examples? Marketing campaigns.

Public relations is marketing. PR is marketing that focus on media coverage. They're the eqivalent of social media managers. The ones that suggest otherwise are just trying to be special or are using a different term because 'marketing manager' doesn't sound as good in a crisis as 'spokesperson'

Without knowing what position you have, the size of the company, or the size of your department it's hard to know what's 'normal' - If you're taking a upper/senior position directly under a VP or Director in a department with 5 people, then being pushed to do these things right away isn't out of bounds. And you shouldn't expect a lot of on-boarding for even a mid-level role unless there are specific technical tasks they need to teach you.

On the other hand if you're taking more of a low-level role then it's odd to have you doing anything public-facing.

Regardless, you should be looking for a position that best fits what you're comfortable with. You can give this time and see how it shakes out, but if you're already uncomfortable then you might want to start looking now.

Unless you’re in the C-suite, you should NOT be the one doing press and TV interviews.

Yea, that's not true. Perhaps during a crisis (see below), or when you have some egotistical tyrant as your corporate leader. But I see sales and other types being interviewed all the time regarding their company's products, services, or initiatives.

There’s a very real distinction between marketing and PR

Not really. If you look at PR agencies, they're just marketing companies that say PR - but their list of services is still brand awareness, product launches, marketing campaigns, etc.

If you look at the typical "marketing vs pr" explanations then things like branding, brand perception, brand awareness, or anything that's not 'selling' a specific product or service would fall under PR and not marketing - but we all know that's not the case. Marketers are instrumental in managing the overall brand.

Companies hire PR agencies in times of crisis when they want a firewall between the public and their employees, and/or they want a 'different face' representing their company.

I've seen something like this at various American weddings too. IDK what the fuss is about - at least she's not auctioning off her garter belt...