I had a similar conversation with my grandma and aunts about how amazing it was one morning I got up with my daughter, changed her and fed her without my wife asking or instructing. I just told them that was more a reflection of how pathetic their husbands were as fathers. What I was doing should be viewed as the bare minimum.

No but I'd at least like a version of the story as a book done before he's too old or passes. At this point I assume he's never finishing it unless he gets help.

His character in Good Place is obsessed with the former Quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars. They were a terrible team and for a small window of time he seemed like he might be the beginning of that team getting better.

To me it carries the same type of weighty feeling he had from Squid Game during the parts on his daughters birthday.

It looks more orange is to me compared to the distinct yellow on the base.

I worked with a girl that had a name like that, she was named First name: Heaven Middle name: Lee.

Her last name played into that "theme" as well. She was excited to get married and use that chance to drop the middle name quietly.

:oklahomastate: Oklahoma State

Thank God.

The thing is thinking through what his life was like prior to becoming king was his parents potentially looking at him like he is the source of the biggest elephant in the room imaginable. His entire life he had the world looking at him like "well he would be king but Viserys already declared her hier so this was a waste". So he grew up with all the privilege in the world with nobody to check his impulses. Now he's king and supposedly has all this power yet anytime he tries to rise to the occasion and engage he gets belittled or just ignored.

:oklahomastate: Oklahoma State

I ascribe to the notion that Oklahoma State loosing to Iowa State in 2011 is the root cause of the decline of College football.

I can explain.

OSU not making the BCS championship due to that loss and the ensuing Alabama LSU rematch broke the BCS which began the snowball effect of huge money coming into the game. That massive influx kicked off the next wake of realignment.

If you guys are doing something where you are apart for a period before the wedding send him a Pic like a hour or two after that starts.

Mother fucker, just give ASoIAF over to a ghost writer and do what you want man I just want an ending.

:oklahomastate: Oklahoma State

K-State is a consistently solid team that shows up to play and especially lately has been a contender.

Iowa State is the thief of joy and ruins great seasons.

Going off of how the two Knight's on the stairs acted towards him I'm pretty sure all of the King's Guard knows as well.


I'm waiting for the day Steph has the Russell Wilson era, where he's still kinda good but he's overcompensating and it just gets weird.

:oklahomastate: Oklahoma State

Oh yeah because that's the only time it plays.

First down, Boomer Sooner

Kickoff, Boomer Sooner

Bob Stoops smiles on the jumbotron, believe it or not. Boomer Sooner

:oklahomastate: Oklahoma State

Yeah... you still have to hear that fucking song every mildly positive play for OU though.

:oklahomastate: Oklahoma State

That loss has permanently made me hate the state of Iowa, corn and any player that played there.

For my wife's sibling they do prefer they/them overall but understand that they present mostly as female. In an ideal situation they would prefer family and friends exclusively uses they/them since we know them closely.

To me I'm never bold enough to say I understand another person's full understanding of themselves, and if all it takes for me to make them feel better about themselves is change a gender identifier or a name I'll gladly do it. It costs nothing even if I don't understand the complexities of it.