Laws? We don't need no stinking laws? Laws are just a barrier to doing what we want to do. So we have to figure out how to get around them. Laws do not constrain us. They constrain the right.

When I was about 15 years old, we had a public park district pool in a park about 6 blocks from my house. But to get there, we had to cross 2 parallel sets of railroad tracks.

One day when we were done at the pool and ready to walk home, we heard a train whistle in the distance, looked at each other and said, "If we don't get across the tracks now, we'll be waiting a long, long time before we can cross...RUN!"

So we sprinted about 2 blocks to get there. Saw the train was coming. My friend and my brother raced across both tracks. I tripped and fell on the first set of tracks and thought I was going to die.

Luckily, the train was coming on the SECOND track. When we saw the train coming, you couldn't tell which track it was on.

Since then, I've been very careful around train tracks, even while in a car waiting for the train to clear the intersection.

Because it's not true. I like MJ like anyone. But he didn't originate the Moonwalk. May have named it that that the time?

The Moonwalk was originated by Bill Bailey, first recorded on film in 1955.

Not sure of the name of the move at the time.

Influenced by others? Yes. Dance history? No.

Like most art, it stands on the shoulders of giants. It's not a negative and it's completely normal. This happens in all art forms. If not fully unique (which happens, but is rare), influenced by other artists.

First recorded Moonwalk by Bill Bailey - 1955

OMG! How shocking!

Imagine what would happen if everyone followed THAT list of rules!

Hmmmm...wait a minute.


Oh, afraid of needles, huh?


You all don't have the required number of tattoos, piercings, and mohawk hairstyles to qualify as punk.

Come back later...

He's another one of the three major political wind socks on the Republican side. He sees where the political wind is blowing now and he goes with it. I don't trust anything he says, ever.


How about fining Chinese and other Asian companies too?

Doesn't Vermont have lots of fireplaces and BBQs too?

Headline: "Contents of Airport Cannabis Amnesty Boxes Disposed of in Massive Bonfire Say High Police Officials"


Who paid that one?

Follow da money...