Winlator@Frost works just fine on Gen3 devices and is in English. It's what I use on my RM9 Pro

I mean, both planes are clearly paid for by Putin, I'm not shocked he'd want them close together

No issues noticed so far for mine

I'm pretty sure you want to either freeze or pickle eyes, I've heard they tend to spoil in the fridge

IR Remote from the FDroid app store

Overlord:Raising Hell

It's like evil Pikmin and pretty easy to play with touch controls or a controller

Personal recommendations, most of which are my go to during travel: DS: Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver, Chrono Trigger GBA: Pokemon Emerald, Final Fantasy 1&2, Advanced Wars GBC: Dragon Quest 3, Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons/Ages

That'll show him....that he clearly didn't pay enough to uncle Clarence to get away with things

In the words of George Carlin: "The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear."

To me this is the wildest part of it all. Not that we can run full PC games at playable speeds, but that somehow we can do so with less heat and power draw then a native high end game built for phones

I have the 9 pro and play at least a few matches a day. It runs it perfectly regardless of how high you set the graphics

The last lube job you're ever gonna need

Man, like 3ish years ago PS2 emulation was a pipe dream. The fact that we can even boot PS3 in a PC emulator is wild.

I also have the RM9 and have been playing through Overlord, but the PC version not the PS3 one

Happy Father's Day to all as well!

Currently my almost 3 year old is really into helping with any cooking or baking in the kitchen, but when we aren't helping mix spices or with baking, he uses his play kitchen to make "pies" and then brings them to me to try.

Every Playdoh, crayon, and block pie he makes is better then the last.

The problem there is I don't expect anyone to survive being attacked by an Orca to report it after the fact

7.0 is working on my RedMagic 9Pro with no issues

What people fail to see is that white not only split the red and blue forces, but completely encircled both.

White already has the battle won

Tested Overlord: Raising Hell on my RM9, ran at a solid 30 fps without any issues on low settings

Same issue with Nova Drift. Sure it's a great game, but Steam thought it was open and running for a week once so now it's my "most played" with over 300 hours



"We've been trying to reach you about your coral's extended warranty."

It's happened twice:

PS3 to play God of War 3 Switch to play Smash Ultimate