By charging membership. That is how they keep their prices lower. Very low mark-up. So when people cheat the system with cash cards it is only hurting those of up who appreciate Costco and do it the right way and pay for membership. So don’t be upset with the door people when they ask to see your card, they don’t want just anyone to come in the warehouse to protect the members.

They probably work for Sam’s Club. They try to copy everything Costco does.

An honest person would have said something.

Report it to a Costco. He probable has done it before and will lose his contract with Costco.

Go work at Costco. Great company to work for

Break up with his ass thank goodness you haven’t married him yet. He will get worse after he puts a ring on your finger. Trust me! My girlfriend goes through the same thing with her husband, constant nagging about her weight. Won’t let her eat carbs or sugar so she binges when not with him.

As long as the feds are screwing up our economy, no. The economy was thriving as always with a Republican President. Then a Democrat cheats the election to get into office. Now our economy sucks. Look down in history where ever there is a democrat in office the economy suffers. Every state that in in economic distress a democrat is in office. When are people going to realize that?

Aquaphor is the best thing. It is what we used for my daughters lips while using accutane for acne.

Accurate is good for scars but boys have to be careful taking accurate because of suicidé threat. Girls don’t have that issue with Accutane. So make sure if you take it be aware of this horrible side effect. Make sure you tell your parents to keep an eye on you if your mood changes dark get off of Accutane right away. It does work wonders for Systic acne. My daughter used it. Make sure you have aquaphor to put on your lips too, they get so dry. Good luck!

I agree. Nobody can copy Duracell. If you get them at Costco when they have them on sale.

Stay at Costco a great company to work for. Just remember when you are working clothing, you will be folding clothing. Members come up and mess up the tables looking at clothes that is why you are there to to keep the tables straight. Don’t give members a dirty look like some of the people I have seen folding clothes. Remember you will be making almost 30.00 an hour someday to fold clothes. You will always stay busy. Won’t be boring!

I’ve seen a lot of people return Keurig. They have to be filtered and cleaned just like any other coffee maker. I bet she never cleaned he keurig. Lazy people!

When a crazy person brought in a can opener that was 8 years old and wanted a refund. First of all that is ridiculous! Does that person care how crazy that looks and to even ask for a refund takes you know what! People unfortunately take advantage of Costco’s return policy that they finally put a 90 day return policy on electronics. People buy those foam surfboards to learn to surf and when they break they bring them back, come on don’t buy a foam surfboard if you don’t know how to surf. Buy a used board. They finally put a limit on those too to how many you can buy and return. My friend works at Costco in membership. I wouldn’t be able to work in membership when people bring stuff back and the lies they tell I would get fired. Remember the story of the person bringing back a Christmas tree! It made the national news. It would be cool if they put the person’s picture up too, so their friends and family can see how they take advantage of Costco’s generous return policy. Those people are going to ruin it for those of us that have a legitimate return. Don’t take back a cake with one piece left because everyone ate the rest at the party and say it wasn’t good. Come on! I found out the other day that people try to bring back their expired food a year later, Costco says no, yay! I just hate seeing people take advantage. It is dishonest! Remember God is watching!

I always return my cart and if there isn’t a cart corral near by I push the cart all the way back to store.

She will cheat again! Once a cheat always a cheat! Your doing great, don’t ruin your life. Tell her you just want to be friends!

It’s probably for a business. A lot of sandwich shops buy the chicken.

Ciclovia should be in all towns. It is so much fun, everyone on bikes, walking, jogging. I did it many times in Colombia. They have it down to a science. We had custom bikes made there too. All the restaurants would put tables outside to serve food. An absolute blast.