Easily, you had one assist in those thirteen matches. There’s your proof lol how you gonna bring stat receipts then complain they’re not showing what you want?

You’ve got an excuse for everything (see comment below) but can’t answer why you won’t play slayer when ignoring objective in obj playlists

Have a good one bud

All my objective is to get the flag

Dog, you’ve got one capture in your last like 13 matches. Come on

all I do is play CTF

Yeah and go overboard trying to crank your k/d, ignoring the objective. Like I said, play slayer no one would care

The 73 kill match? No you weren’t lol I just looked it up on halotracker to confirm and all your teammates had more obj play than your one steal and return lol even the ones who went negative k/d. Save one dude and his buddy that didn’t look like they were in that match the whole time

Then you went back and commented with receipts from a different match to somehow back that up

Just play slayer if you’re only interested in kills I don’t get the problem

Wanted to add: your teammate who got top of the leaderboard had 26 flag grabs and y’all couldn’t help him stick it once

Haha I remember your post the other day. If I recall you got flamed bc you weren’t playing obj, then blamed your teammates for the loss when people asked. Like, gg on the kills but you can’t expect anyone to praise that yknow?

Oh fuck, say it louder baby

I dunno shit about scorpions but after an hour on Google looking at male vs female I wanna agree with you lol the larger pectines on males make it look almost like two rows of fins and they’re more straight, whereas I’m seeing on females you don’t see much of that darker edge and they’re a little more rounded in the curvature

I could be really wrong tho lol


Ah yes, I definitely joined r/marvelmemes to talk about Taylor Swift. Thanks OP, couldn’t have jumped on the bandwagon without you

What kind of logic is that? Clearly the chocolatiers have no idea about anything dark chocolate /s

Considering Shueisha clarified what was and wasn’t canon after this timeline, I’d say you’re wrong lol

Oh no :( well thanks for the update, and thanks for trying. I’m sure she’s munchin on some big bugs in the sky

Any update at all? This is like my new favorite mystery

He’s literally not a virgin tho lol it was just a meme that got away from everyone


If we’re just gonna do reposts of reposts can yall at least crop the meme lol

Why are you so obsessed with American’s shoes when you can’t even figure out your dental hygiene?

Well yeah not with that attitude.

But momma didn’t raise no bitch, so see ya on the other side