I’m homeschooled just don’t know the work load but I’m probably going to go anyway. And I agree with the first statement lol i don’t really care for highschool I just hope college is better

I’m going to try watch it the day too but with me being in my final year of highschool next year it’s gonna be difficult make time

Aahhh okay. This isn’t controversial you should be fine just asking them, but idk tho

That makes sense you don’t want to judge it before seeing it. I just can’t wait for a trailer I’m soo hyped lol

If i remember correctly somewhere I saw that it’s not going to follow the original exactly kinda of like the original movie to the books. If it does it’s just a new movie with same plot and somewhat the same story then

And didn’t they also say they are going to make their own story based off it. Like the originals to the books? Idk if I’m remembering wrong tho. But if it is like that then it’s just a new movie that follows the same plot and story and not really a remake.

Yea I can’t wait either! If it gets delayed I would also been soo upset. I want to watch as soon as it comes out

Why did you have a ban threat? What were you doing

Yall I want motorcycle but dont wanna die

A game developer I think… it’s been that since I was 9 but idk

Yall I want motorcycle but dont wanna die

Kinda real tho…

Yall I want motorcycle but dont wanna die

Few whee you got him on your side. Imma have to get a lion or something

Yall I want motorcycle but dont wanna die

Wait… I think he would win ww3 if it ever came to it

Okay thanks I’ll try it out thanks! I’ve played since the switch release and couldn’t aim at all. Now I’m on ps4 and can finally hit some of my shots. My brother has natural aim he just hits everything

Nerf Junkrat

Yeah the one from mirror watch. Sorry I forgot the name of it lol. Something about it just looks so good

It’s definitely my aim, sometimes it’s good other times it not. It’s never super consistent but it’s more consistent now the previously. Vaxta doesn’t seem to help tho idk how long I need to play it.

I also got a control freek idk if I aim better with it but I can’t go back to normal joystick now

Nerf Junkrat

Yeah it did! So I have it even though I didn’t buy the origin edition or whatever it was I needed to buy. It’s kinda ugly tho. I prefer the new overwatch blue version even tho I can’t even play widow

Nerf Junkrat

Noire widow isn’t that rare. Anyone who bought overwatch 1 on the Nintendo Switch got it. Idk if you can still get it from the switch but I doubt so

Nerf Junkrat

You could only ever get it twice during ow1 idk the first time but the last time was during the month before overwatch 2 release when they redid the old skins for the weekly challenges to win 9 game. If I remember correctly