My first playthrough was using RoB and Ushigatana so these are for that playthrough. My answers would be different for my next.

Easy: Malenia, never played a souls game before and she went down on my fourth try. Idk something about her moves clicked with me ig.

Hard: Elden Beast, this mofo throws such amounts of bs at you. Idk what it is about him, I can easily dodge his sword attacks but some of his spells I just can't with. Then you have to run around the map trying to get his ass.

I'm still working with a crusty dusty Lenovo monitor, don't even know the name on this thing. Got a PC that would work well with the Ultragear. My current screens tho are not helping my PC performance :(

Those look hella sick, would absolutely want one instead of my crusty deskmat!

Awesome that you're doing this. I would need the 4070 as my graphics card is getting quite outdated, I think I use a 1070 or older, maybe. I have really wanted a good upgrade to my GPU as most of my friends have more money than me to spend on PCs. Overall I've tried to keep my PC up to date but my GPU has been holding me back. I mostly play D2 or MHW but I'd love to try some of the newest games. Unfortunately, my PC already struggles at D2 so trying newer games may not be that wise:( A new GPU however would be a lifesaver in me being able to enjoy newer games to the fullest with my friends:)

The engine looks really cool and I would see great utility in it for sessions. I love the atmosphere settings and lighting control, it really looks amazing. Also, the books would definitely be a good addition to what I currently have. GIVEWAY.

Bro the hammer seems rad but sword ain't bad either I could barely choose, pribs go with bonk tho

He's a man of chaos, and I just kinda vibed with it

Painted a marine as a presentPainting
  • the 45 represent how old the person is turning

Now I can leave
Now I can leave

This makes me want to paint my Archaon that has been sitting in my cabinet gathering dust for the past two years. Thank you!

This looks amazing, if you do Archaon like this then you have my eternal respect