Every time he pops up i give a single attempt at wanderer, and everytime i lose it. Also lost 50/50 on arrlecchino.

Intrepid is a cooperative resource management game where each player has to manipulate dice in weird ways in order to generate their resources to support the team. Definitely feels like a puzzle every turn.

indeed, it's onewind. i'm not strictly in a position yet where every ounce matters, but it seems clunky to not have it be attached, and i wonder if bugs can still find their way through the cinches

the one i got is the kind where it cinches on each end and at the bottom. i thought i was getting the hammock where it zips around. both options i can move the netting out of the way into the hammock stuffsack.

Bug netting preference: sock vs zippered?

Do people have a preference between those two types of bug nets? I accidentally bought a hammock with the sock kind when I thought i was getting the integrated zippered style, and am wondering if I should do an exchange?

Are Snakeskins for tarps and hammock worth it?

Looking at getting Onewind 11ft hammock and 12ft tarp, and I see they also sell a snakeskin for the tarp as well as another for the hammock+underquilt for about $20 each. Is that worthwhile? Will it noticeably make setup faster/easier?

I'm still very much a beginner and so QoL is appreciated to simplify things, but i'm having a hard time finding an answer to whether these are worthwhile.

Update: Seems consensus is the tarp snakeskin is wonderful, the hammock one is nice but optional? I'll skip the latter for now.

I learned this one as two succubi or pixies, but flies works nicely too!

Sagrada is what I always bring out when people want a thinky but quick game, people love it.

you can't, casual just means unranked. You can borrow the decks of your friends in a friendly challenge, but not on any ladder or against strangers

I've had the opposite experience, where people are happy to have even a 2nd scout join, but stereotype my driller as automatically being a griefer war criminal. You can even see that sort of behavior in other comments here. Compared to driller mains, scouts have it ez

This isn't Temu though, Temu uses bags, not boxes. Might be something like amazon, ali baba or wish though.

The very first expansion involved a snarky lich constantly yelling at you and cracking jokes while he pet mr. bigglesworth. Leeroy jenkins, elite tauren chieftain and gelbin mechatorque were there at the start.

This game has never been only serious.

Any officially sanctioned mtg tournament disallows proxies. If its not sanctioned then the rules are whatever the organizer wants them to be.

After playing both a lot, I think my opinion is that Wyrmspan is better than base wingspan, but add Oceania expansion for the nectar and improved board and food dice, and then Wingspan becomes the better game. Also Wyrmspan felt like it had higher highs and lower lows in the experience compared to Wingspan. Both are good and felt different to me to the point neither truly replaces the other.

Didn't even know there were non-square tarps, thanks for giving your opinion!

Ooh, I wouldn't have that of storing the tarp separate, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks!

It is indeed. Heck, that's why I'm looking into hammocks instead of using my tent.

I'm 5'7 so good to know that 11' will likely be plenty. thats an extra bit of cash I can fit into other parts.