My comment was: Do you think Pucci was right?

Your answer to my comment was: How does that make him a horrible person

So i will ask again, Did you replied to the wrong comment or something?

Looking by the twisted shape, probably my spine

Use the heat of the cpu to keeo the coffee hot

Hey, how did you put your gpu like that?

Screw You! verticalizes your gpu

You can aply at any job inside a animated universe since all their papers looks like this

The girls hands, its always the hands that reveal the truth...

On the good side, now you can make a Jessica Rabbit or Betty Boop Cosplay

Betelgeuse only ignite my re: zero fan side when i hear its name.

Lançaram a nova DLC de Goiania e eu não estou sabendo?

The lego moc community is the embodiment of the "Instructions unclear" meme

Yup, same here, its very reminiscent of his most proeminent traits. The only thing i can identify are his eyes and a bit of the face, but the lack of his characteristic hair makes it harder ro tell its him. I mean, op has his own visual identity and i like his art, i just think its not very compatible with JoJos visual identity in this picture in specific.

I mean, he put their lifes in danger, but they would have died to a vampire if it wasnt for him with kinda makes things even, Joseph is always fooling around and getting in trouble for it but never acts with the intent to cause prejudice to others, he might not think before acting in his youth but that trait mostly dissapears as he gets older, with is reflected in his stand with turns out to me much more strategic, leading him to adapt into thinking more before acting, unlike his younger self. "Don’t mistake youthful selfishness for genuine malice" is what i think defines young joseph, hes selfish at the beggining but he grows as the part progresses, leading to him commiting a selfless sacrifice at the end of it in order to save humanity, action that he would repeat in his fight against Dio, and trying to save the invisible baby in part 4 by cutting his own wrist to find her in the watter. He does the wrong thing sometimes but the good thing most of it, with makes him much more neutral.

Jodio in the other hand with his crimes by passion(or lack of it) and the whole buss thing is more on the chaotic evil side.

Hello fellow watchers, in todays video we are going to lear how to start a civil war in your own country!

All Class :tflogo:

Yeah, i really like MadCap concept, but some people said hes too similar to scout due to the bat, with i agree to some extent, but scout is much more focussed on his guns and trowables while madcap concept whise sounds like he would be more tankier and use the bat more actively than his range options. But what weapom would you put insted of the bat to differenciate him more from scout? How about a sword? I know it sounds stange but i would bring more contrast to his chracter, looking like a brute force dude that can strike with finnesse. Just like heavy with you assume to be dumb but has a phd in russian literature. Madcap always looked like a middle term between the heavy and the scout for me

As long as the story becomes consistent in quality and the art evolves insted of stagnating in all here for it