The term overdue when it comes to volcanoes is out there as one of the biggest frauds pop geology has made. At the time scale of 600k years per eruption, too much stuff changes for us to be certain when the next one is coming. Just like earthquakes, there is no such thing as overdue. If it DOES start going off, we will know it well ahead of time. And this doesn't even take into consideration the possibility that yellowstone will never erupt again due to the hot-spot moving relatively speaking

Studentska sirotinja

Cestitke pacijentima sa ispod 0 bodova

Well a tight squeeze every now and then is inevitable, but just like any other part of caving, if you know what you're doing, you'll be fine, if you don't know what you're doing, don't do it alone and don't overestimate your abilities, always go with someone who is experienced.

Thise videos are just sensationalistic bullshit aimed at generating revenue. They make you think that while youre in there, youll spend 50% of your time squeezing through A4 sized holes. Thats just not a thing. If there is a squeeze which you think has a reasonable chance to leave you stuck or hurt, you. Don't. Do. It.

The majority of cave accidents happen because people arent careful with what they do, with some basic common sense, you dont end up in thise situations. If your body can enter a squeeze, it can exit it in the same order of moves you made but in reverse. Unless if gravity lodges you in (at that point its just natural selection), you genuinely cant get irreparably stuck. Getting can and will hurt, you might get a few cuts, scrapes or bruises, but youll learn not to take unnecessary risks.

We try and limit what we leave in the cave to an absolute minimum. Where possible, we tie ropes around usable formations to avoid drilling a hole for the anchor. As such, painting inside the cave is to be avoided. Most untrained people can't even read your average cave plan, and those who know what theyre doing dont need a map anyways

Coveralls dont exist to protect you, they exist so that when you are borderline exploded, most of you stays in the coveralls and is easier to clean up

Независна Република Ваљево 🇮🇨

Ne znam da li sam jednom u životu cuo da je neko opljačkan tako što je koristio karticu za online kupovinu. Ako kupuješ na zapravo registrovanim online prodavnicama, neće se ništa desiti

Takođe na steamu mozes da odaberes opciju da ti sačuva podatke kartice da bi sledeća kupovina bila brža, to se uvek može isključiti ako ti znači

Concrete is made out of limestone, which is made out of calcium carbonates, a small amount of sand aggregate is added to improve its mechanical characteristics

Sand is dominantly made out of quartz, which is SiO2

So no

There are old cavers, and there are old divers, but you wont find an old cave diver

Studentska sirotinja

Stariji studenti imaju prednost pi odabiru ležajeva, dok stigne red na brucose već su sva dobra mesta zauzeta

Studentska sirotinja

Nema donja granica za bodove, napravi se rang lista sa svim prijavljenima, uzima se onoliko ljudi koliko ima mesta. Dom u teoriji može svaki ako si iznad crte, ali brucosi najcesce idu u patris, jer dok dodje na njih red da biraju, sve ostalo je već zauzeto

Studentska sirotinja

Bodovi za dom se racunaju:

Bodovi iz srednje + 1 Bod ako je prosecni mesecni prihod po glavi u tvom domacinstvu, u periodu od januara do juna te godine, nizi od polovine prosecne plate u tom periodu (~90k din prosek, znaci ispod nekih 45k po glavi)

Sa 35 bodova nema teorije da dobijes dom

Studentska sirotinja

Taj sajt nije tacan. Na RGFu sam blejao u hodniku i znam da se barem troje prijavilo za regionalnu geologiju, a na tom sajtu pise 0. Gledano na ostale smerove tog faksa, smejurija je da je raspodela identicna na svim smerovima.

Studentska sirotinja

Upis lagano, budzet mozes uz malo spremanja. Ali pazi se, posao u industriji nije lak, ima dosta da se skljaka na terenu, i ako zapravo ne volis sve to, mozda ti malo teze padne. Rudarsko inženjerstvo je definitivno medju najplacenijim profesijama u srbiji, a inzenjeri geologije (geoloski odsek) imaju malo prostora za manevrisanje, mozes se baviti i naukom i direkt u industriju da krenes. Vecina se zaposli po razlicitim konsultantskim firmama, geozavod, NIS itd

Posao geologa apsolutno nije za svakoga, ali ko se tu pronadje bice mu prelepo. Faks je lako zavrsiti ako ne juris prosek / stipendije ili projekte, ali ako oces da se istaknes, mora da se pogura jer ima dosta tehničkih predmeta.

I just gotta say i have had that song's tune stuck in my head for an embarrassingly long time, only remembering the few key condepts, ie. Dangling off the egde, bottle of pills etc. And i couldnt find the damn thing. Cheers

Studentska sirotinja

IT apsolutno nije jedini perspektivan pristup. Štaviše rekao bih da je postao prezasicen i nije nista bolji od drugih struka. Ako je neko dobar u onome sto radi, i umrezen je, posla će biti

Studentska sirotinja

Bice tesno

Going with a grotto is almost mandatory in my eyes. Having professionals next to you means the chances of you getting hurt are minimal. One of the easiest way to get into serious troubles is "taking a few friends on a caving trip". It might not be the most authoritative example, but in my grotto, we dont let newbies into a cave until theyve done 3 months (12 full day sessions) of SRT training and general training for knots, safety etc. Most aren't like that but in this part if europe, the most interesting systems are the vertical ones. Chances are you can get yourself a single free trip with a grotto, but after that you should really look into becoming a full member