Yea I've definitely gotten that feeling too. You wouldn't know how come right?

Thanks for all this info Sean!

I did some more research after reading your responses and found this site called Musicstax. I have no idea how accurate the popularity score is but my latest release got a whopping 2%. :D My music isn't the most exciting perhaps and I'm certainly struggling with the marketing part.

It's a bummer about the RR. I was hoping to release my music quickly but also get them on RR, but at least now I know.

Here's a link to the site, and using my track as an example for a quick glance of what data it provides:

Key, tempo & popularity of Parhelia By Göran Bäckman | Musicstax

I looked into pro mixing and it was way too expensive for me, so I "learnt" it myself. I'm positive my stuff would sound considerably better if I opened up my wallet but that's how I do it, mix and master myself.

You can find cheap stuff on fiverr etc but it honestly doesn't sound that good from what I gathered.

Requirements for Spotify's Release Radar?Question

From Spotify's site:

"Your followers get songs from your new release in their Release Radar. You don’t need to pitch a song to our playlist editors, but if you do we’ll include your pitched song in your followers’ Release Radar."

Is Spotify trying to say "Your followers get songs from your new release in their Release Radar, but only if you pitch your song first"? It's a bit badly worded here and my ADD is flaring up. From the first sentence it sounds like your songs will get in the Release Radar of your followers full stop, and the second sentence makes it sound like you need to pitch it.

I checked my own account and I'm almost sure I have songs that made it to Release Radar without me pitching them.

It's hard to find more info about this. Do you know what is the recommended settings for those 3 things?

That does indeed help! Am off to download it right now, thanks a bunch!

Newbie - how to run Juggernaut X using Fooocus?Question - Help

I've just begun digging into SD on my local machine recently (as opposed to running MidJourney etc), and downloaded the latest Juggernaut checkpoint.

It comes out really quite ugly and high contrasty as seen below, what am I missing? I managed to get v8 running without a problem so I'm not a complete dummy, just a partial one.

Appreciate any help on how to get this working using Fooocus.




"prompt": "gritty raw portrait photo of an old man, fisherman, sitting by an old red house",

"negative_prompt": "",

"prompt_expansion": "gritty raw portrait photo of an old man, fisherman, sitting by an old red house, deep focus, elegant, highly detailed, sharp focused, intricate, cinematic, fine composition, colorful, sublime, dramatic light, beautiful, ambient, dynamic background, illuminated, magic, professional, atmosphere, new, shiny, amazing, great, perfect, creative, passionate, attractive",

"styles": "['Fooocus V2', 'Fooocus Enhance', 'Fooocus Sharp']",

"performance": "Speed",

"resolution": "(832, 1216)",

"guidance_scale": 4,

"sharpness": 2,

"adm_guidance": "(1.5, 0.8, 0.3)",

"base_model": "Juggernaut_X_RunDiffusion_Hyper.safetensors",

"refiner_model": "None",

"refiner_switch": 0.5,

"sampler": "dpmpp_2m_sde_gpu",

"scheduler": "karras",

"seed": "1232863949126091712",

"lora_combined_1": "sd_xl_offset_example-lora_1.0.safetensors : 0.1",

"metadata_scheme": false,

"version": "Fooocus v2.3.1"


I found your stuff on Spotify, you have one more follower! I'll keep an eye on your stuff for now, might be some time for a collab in the future! I have probably 2 months of mixing ahead of me... Nicely produced stuff btw, the mix is super tight (listening to All is fair in love and gwar).

Nice! Do you have a spotify or something where I can find your stuff?

You guys seemed to like this lil piece, I got a little excited when making this one and made very different version of it that was released today for those who appreciate... ermm.. I don't even know what genre I'm in. Cinematic.. music?

Thanks a bunch Rasmus! I'm on a crazy release bender right now with 3-4 tracks per month and supportive words really help my push through this madness! :D

Nice work with your own tracks - I swung by your Soundcloud for a listen. Intressant text pa din lat 'Akta dig' kan man saga! :)

:D I'm in the middle of mixing + mastering something like another 20 tracks that I need to release lol but I'm definitely collab curious! I've never done that properly, just hung out with buddies and fiddled around ya know?

Do you produce in a similar genre? I'm a little all over the place to be honest but try to stick to what you heard here (downtempo.. I guess?) to modern/neu/even somewhat contemporary classical. I'm moving towards more Bonobo mixed with Olafur Arnalds, and a sprinkle of Hans Zimmer (edit: That still sounds like I'm all over the place) but here's a rough idea:

Cheeeers! I'm trying to release things more frequently now, it's fun! Thanks for giving my stuff a listen!

Oh wow. That's a big compliment! Thank you. But it'd be weird if I hadn't picked up a thing or two along the way haha. I've been working in games, animation and visual effects for over two decades now.. gosh time flies lol. Last project was Avatar: The Last Airbender, (the Netflix version, I should add).

I've been writing music for a good chunk of time too but I think you were asking about the visuals. :)

Thanks! I sometimes label my music as 'cinematic music', as the stuff on my Spotify account has quite wide set of genres... but I think you're right, they all at least share the cinematic aspect of it all, I think. ^_^

Thanks! <3 I hear that movie comment often actually... this might be an even more movie-esque track actually, if this floats your boat :)

That does help, thanks! ^_^ I was pretty annoyed at myself for missing it for a hot minute there, but according to the YouTube channel stats 80% watch my stuff on their phones anyway, so even less chance of noticing :D

Yea I struggled with that area so I hear you. I might tweak it a bit after the single drops in 2 days but it'll be minor if so. Thanks for the constructive criticism though, that's why I'm starting to love this subreddit! Thanks for the kind words!!

No problem at all! I use Houdini for all my music visualization work (I have 2 videos up, working on another 3). Houdini is what people in visual effects (I'm one of them, hello!) use for explosions, water simulations etc in movies and TV.

I use Resolve for the 2D work. I began using Nuke + Resolve but am trying to streamline the process a bit..

Feel free to ask away if there's anything else, here or on the YT channel!

Nah that was on me, and I might've asked the question the way you understood it at one point in my career too... many many years back :D

I only saw the problem after it was rendered, it's in those swirling lines, and they actually travel starting at origin but I could've easily centered its full path around origin instead of starting there e.g. It's my own dumb setup. It'd be an easy fix but I'm doing these for my music mainly so I'm ok with some dodgy stuff in there. I'd have fixed it manually had I caught it early though for sure.

I thought CHOPS was one of the first to get 64bit support but now that you say it I'm probably wrong. I'll def look into this all more.

I'm not aware of Maya doing a dynamic scene origin but that's the best fix afaik. Last time I had to deal with this in Maya was 2 years or so back, you can double the precision but have to do so via Python commands. It's the same as Houdini though, some things are supported and some are not. E.g a skin cluster would get the benefit but if you throw a bend deformer on the same skinned geo you're out of luck.

Thanks for the help, I'll keep educating myself on this while keeping a better eye on it! :D

Thanks mister! And also, keep fighting for the jungle! I haven't heard much from some genres lately. Every year I keep thinking jungle/drum'n'bass/etc will make a comeback.. It'll happen one sunny day!

Got it! Yea I get a better perspective of where you're coming from now.

You make a good point. I think I'm arriving at they're tyrants if they can get away with it and if they think it's in their best interest. And if they can't get away with it they will do what the customer base wants.

Basically, they'll always go where they think the money is. :/