Ina with Ollie buns!!

Willing or not, I think she was told to take the blow.

That is actually one of the big things that set Kobo apart and got her the sub count she has. She primarily streams in Bahasa.

By, “doing nothing,” I think they mean, “doing nothing in an intentional/calculated manner to become beloved/a meme.”

He seems to work really hard, but he isn’t loved because he tried to be a meme in the community, he just achieved meme status because he’s loved. And he’s loved because he seems to really care about his talents and the fans over pure profits.

I believe Doki never had really interest in the idol part of hololive though.

God, I don’t think it’ll ever happen now, but I wish so badly Mint would join Holo. She’d be such an amazing fit.

That said, it’s amazing to listen to her Karaoke without any worries about copyright.

It’s not just culture, having a generous base salary probably helps a lot too.

In Niji, if you drop too many viewers, you have to worship about what you’re going to eat for dinner. That’s never a worry in Holo.

They wanted an event to rival Holofes

The pivotal moment will always be the Selen termination.

If that hadn’t happened it had been handled differently, NijiEN might be in trouble, but probably wouldn’t be risking dissolution.

Conservative Japanese mentality is to never ever admit to a mistake.

Innocent or guilty, her mental state must be in shambles by now.

I feel bad for her. This whole year must feel like a nightmare from hell.

I actually hope she’s guilty, because otherwise this is heartrending in how unfair it is. But life isn’t fair, and we have no way to know.

I wonder how many of the talents found out with us through Twitter.

Yeah, you “can” also make a lot of money fast by robbing stores.

Doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences.

Her monetization stream is going to be nuts.

Meanwhile, I ordered my bounty hunter acrylic as I was pleased with the quality of my prior Doki merch.

It doesn’t hurt that Doki obviously loved Selen.

The work environment may have been horrible and traumatizing, but Doki insist obviously loved the dragoons and the character Selen so much she feels guilty for not doing more with the role, even though she tried to and was stifled by Kurosanji.

Why not? It’s well known that they are close friends (how much one collabs doesn’t correlate to closeness of friendship.)

Imagine how therapeutic it must feel for Doki to spend all this money on a project and to know nobody can pull the rug out under you at the last second.

Niji was horrible to Doki, but let’s not pretend that her career didn’t benefit from going corpo for a bit.

This is not saying that Niji is OK at all in their actions, just that there are benefits to joining a big corporation with name recognition.

Holy shit, I didn’t even think of that.