Not sure, I haven't bought another bottle recently although I did see the recent reviews saying that the bottles were old and not full all the way.

The #1 thing that I have seen results with is NIOD's Fractionated Eye Contour Concentrate (FECC), however, I haven't spent a ton of money trying other things out so your experience might be different. A bottle is around $70US and lasts months because you only use a drop at a time. It lifts my hooded eyelids noticeably, although now that I am trying out other eye creams I realize that it doesn't moisturize my undereye as much as I thought it did and other cheaper eye products are better at that.

Take it from someone who was in your shoes when she was your age, one day it will be alright and you'll have a life you're proud of having. Building that life takes time, the same way that making a beautiful painting or a marble sculpture takes time. Learn to enjoy the process of creating your beautiful life.

Hey OP, I'm 41 and in the middle of an international move (much wanted, very desired, happily planned, going swimmingly) and yesterday morning I could just. not. stop. crying. because I had hit my limit of having to Be An Adult and Deal With Things and Make The Decisions. I laid on the couch and hugged my favorite stuffed animal (who's a twin to one my mom has) and just bawled for a good twenty minutes because I was tired and full of feelings I couldn't really explain. And I really wanted a hug from the Universe and a pat on the head for all I've done so far.

Sometimes life is just hard, and the river of life is flowing really strong and you feel like you're being pulled around and battered back and forth off of the rocks and bumping over sunken logs and the fish are nibbling at your toes and the mosquitoes are biting! And in those moments we all really want to be coddled and be told that it's going to be OK, that you're doing a good job navigating this river.

The fact that you're recognizing those feelings in yourself, that you're reaching out for help and asking the questions that you're asking means that you're going to be OK. You know how to reach out and when to reach out. And I promise, double pinky swear promise, that once you flow past these rapids the water will calm down and the sun will peek out from behind the clouds and things will feel right and easy again and you can just float for a while.

I start with micellar water, then a rinse in the shower with warm water before using the glove (rinsing my face and the glove often to get the dead skin flakes off), and finally follow up with my regular cleanser.

Yeah I think there's a huge disconnect between how politics in the US works as compared to somewhere with multiple political parties. To be fair, I am not extremely well versed in those other forms of government, but I do understand that they're way more nuanced than "Elephant or Donkey, that's your choice".

If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth. I've never had to put this one into practice in my own life yet, but dang doesn't it seem to ring true.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills every time I read someone coming in here (or elsewhere) with the narrative that "oh my god the whole world is going right-wing! Nowhere is safe!" Like motherfucker is there any other country on Earth right now that's got anything as regressive and terrifying as Project 2025? Ok sure everywhere is moving more conservative but a xenophobic, racist, anti-green government is roses and sunshine compared to the absolute insane shit that's going down in the US.

Also, also, has anyone floated the idea that the fact that every newspaper in the US has started cropping up with the narrative that "Oh well everywhere is just as bad as the US" is an attempt at driving US citizens into complacency with the bullshit that's happening around us?

Yes, it's that one! I use it about once a week- I have extremely sensitive skin so if I use it too much my face gets irritated. However, I'm very pleased that it exfoliates well without annoying anything!

Hey, I'm moving to Rotterdam in two weeks and would be happy to travel anywhere I needed to in order to find a great hairdresser (I have to leave my wonderful hair dude of 12 years). Would you be willing to share who you visit, either here or via DM? I'd really appreciate it!

Hey OP, I think the subtext here is that your wife wants to do something nice with the money- something relaxing, to take everyone away from mundane life and relax a little bit. It's not exactly about the Euro vacation OR the house upgrades, it's that you and her are on different pages about what fantasies you both have for the windfall you've gotten. It sounds like that she's been dreaming of being able to escape things for a while, and you've been dreaming about fixing up stuff around the house without worrying about the financials of it all.

What if you both sit down and discuss your different viewpoints and the desires behind them, then work together to come up with a plan for that money? You come ready to discuss what you want upgraded, why, and how much you think it'd cost, and she can come with ideas about a vacation, how long, where she'd want to go, and why.

I'll bet if you sit and have a discussion, you can find a good compromise that will help you both feel heard and appreciated, and put a plan together to use that windfall in the best way for your family.

I wrote a comment recently on a now-deleted post that said that everything that you will ever own is ultimately destined to be throw away. Everything has a natural end-of-usefulness, and sometimes that natural end happens while you own whatever the thing is, so you've got to learn to be OK with letting it go into the trash.

If you don't want to go to the doctor to get it checked out, then there's nothing you can do until you turn 18 and can go without fear. There's no way for anyone to know what is wrong with your wrist without you going to the doctor.

There isn't one. 2023 there were 300ish DAFT visas given, so the numbers coming in are very low. However, it's as straightforward as it seems- US citizen, start a business, put $4500 in a business bank account. After two years you have to prove that the business has done something (and losing money counts as doing something), then it's re-upped for three years. Currently after five years under the DAFT you can apply for permanent residency.

Physical exfoliator glove. I've tried everything and have found that for whatever reason my skin reacts best to physical exfoliation. At Reddit's recommendation I have the Illume glove, but I'm sure there are plenty of other things out there that are cheaper which would get the job done.

intense highlighter on the tip of the nose

Is that why people wear that style? I've come across multiple people on Instagram (who seem otherwise normal) and IRL (who seem otherwise normal) and I could not understand why it looked like they had just done a bump off their highlighter compact.

I came here to say this! Stretching, staying active, finding an active hobby that you like... god I wish I could go back in time and drag myself off of the couch.

I'm moving internationally and as part of that move I'm getting rid of like... 90% of the things that I own (and we're downsizing from a 4br house in the suburbs to a 2br apartment in the city center, which helps when deciding what to get rid of). Some of the more surprising things that I've found that I didn't even think about being blind to:

  • Old hobby stuff. Someone on here said not long about about items being "aspirational" and I really took that to heart. I was holding on to so many things just because I remembered enjoying them in the past and hoped that maybe they could bring me enjoyment in the future, except I don't want to do that hobby anymore!
  • Paperwork. So many papers that just got chucked in a drawer to be dealt with "later". Well guess what? It's now "later" and I really didn't need to keep them in that drawer for so many years.
  • Kitchen stuff. I'm moving to a fully furnished apartment so that helps me decide what to get rid of but dang, when I did an audit of my kitchen to think about what I'm really using all the time, it was about 1/5 of the items in the kitchen. Ditto for the pantry too. I used to be an "aspirational ingredient buyer" where I'd find something, think it looked neat, buy it, and then it'd sit on a shelf until it expired. Not anymore!
  • Pens- not just art pens, but pens! Why did I own a shoebox full of pens! There are two adults in the house and neither of us are ambidextrous, so we can only ever use two pens at a time. I bought a box of the ball-point pens I like the most, sorted through everything else and kept only the nice pens I actually like, and then donated the rest. Everything fits in a coffee mug now.

College Student Services are usually extremely helpful. I see that Furman also has an office of International Student Services that could be helpful too. Also if you haven't asked your DSO about travel, try that avenue too.

OK! Google says it's possible to get from Atlanta to Greenville by bus but it'd take several transfers and probably at least 10-12 hours. By car it'd take about two and a half hours, but you'd likely be jet-lagged and driving an unfamiliar car/on unfamiliar roads.

Have you reached out to Furman University student services to ask if they have any ideas? There might be a student ride share service or maybe there's a student message board where you can coordinate a ride.

A big question here is what will you be doing in Greenville? Have you checked to see if you can get around Greenville easily if you don't have a car?

Hey man, that sucks and I want to say that I'm real sorry you and your wife are going through that struggle.

Oh do it! If you're coming from Atlanta, you can drive to the beginning of the Cherohala Skyway in Tennessee, take that over to Cherokee NC to pick up the Blue Ridge Parkway, then ride the parkway as far north as you want! My absolute favorite place on the Parkway is Craggy Gardens, about halfway between Asheville NC and Mount Mitchell on the Parkway... but honestly on a pretty day it's all beautiful!

As I get older and then go back to visit, it's incredible how one part of my brain is like "wow this is truly amazing I understand why so many people come visit" and the other part of my brain is like "jeez y'all this is just what the world looks like stop being tourists in my tiny mountain town!".