Und eine Supermarktkette aus der Serie Superstore.

Independent acid snake in the skinsuit of an independent woman.

"I'm stress-eating, and I'm gaining weight in my thighs. I mean, look at that."

I just followed https://www.home-assistant.io/voice_control/voice_remote_local_assistant and it's was incredibly easy. I really thought it would be way more complicated.

And I set up HomeAssistant as my assist app on my phone which was actually the more complicated part because it's incredibly hidden with Samsung.

antifascist AroAce

I fourth (wall) this.

  1. You can set a custom keyboard shortcut that makes this way easier. I have shift+r to rasterize.

Make sure to make a backup via Telegram desktop if you value your data other than that no idea sadly. You can't import this backup later but you can look at your old messages if needed/wanted.


If he is doing all that he definitely is toxic/abusive. Some major red flags there.

These problems don't seem to connected to HomeAssistant directly, it's a tool that may be used for highly problematic surveillance.

Could you get his personal login information and check with that? Be aware that any failed login will be shown to him and he will see from which device you have tried to login. For login you may (probably) need a two factor authentication code (usually a separate app on the phone).

Even if he is doing nothing of what you're fearing there is (understably) a level of distrust now. You should talk to a friend or an organisation for potential abusive/toxic relationships and raise your concerns with them.

If you disconnect the camera you can check when he plugs it in again but be aware of potential bad reactions from him as the plugs don't disconnect by itself randomly.

Not removing the camera for a while and not giving you the permissions are definitely red flags in this case.

I hope you can solve this situation well and I'm sorry you have to deal with this! And if it turns out he surveillance you that you can get out of this situation/relationship as safe fast and well as possible!

EDIT: Also there are smart fire/smoke detectors. That's a way better and safer way for detecting a device on fire than a camera. If you get an alarm from your smoke detector you should check asap anyways. Imo the camera isn't suited for what he said he's using it for.

EDIT 2: One argument he could bring against you having your admin permissions is that someone who has no knowledge of it can mess up the system. But this can easily be solved with backups and restore (really easy with HomeAssistant). Even if you'd mess smth up in a healthy relationship that would definitely be less of a problem than the problems and distrust created by not having their admin permissions after asked. I would rather redo my whole smart home from scratch than having a partner feel unsafe/unwell in the own home and so should every person.

You can do voice locally as well tho. I'm not connected to the Internet and still have voice.

that's very reasonable in my opinion idk what's people's problem with it

Bold of you to assume dass ich mit ADHS überhaupt Bücher lesen kann.

Don't you mean it's been hanging out with the wrong cloud? /pun

Thank you! I wanted that since I saw the Tiktok.

The better way would be a keypad and leave the code as an delivery instruction. Postal workers don't get time for that. :/

Coco rasps. There is no worse texture. I would literally rather eat a sheet of paper.

Adding to this: Public proposal can also be an instrument of toxic relationships and abuser can try to coerce one intro saying yes due to the reaction of outside people. So another bad thing about it.

No not afaik. And it may be against their TOS which you could get banned for.

Yes you can save everything permanently for free without an overall size limit.

However if your account gets deleted you won't have a chance of getting anything back. Your account gets deleted after a period of inactivity ranging from 3 months (default I guess) to 1 year (maximum) (you can change this in settings). So don't forget your account. Telegram deletes accounts for violating their TOS as well so make sure to don't do anything sketchy.

Uploading pictures as a photo reduces their quality so for backup purposes be sure to upload it as a file. It does take away more space but that should be irrelevant as you have infinity to go.

It does not have Premium it has the checkmark because it's an official bot by Telegram. Telegram is not (yet) Twitter. The premium badge looks different than the official Telegram check.

Zigbee und Matter/Thread sind zwei verschiedene Systeme und nicht direkt kompatibel. Mit einem Hub der beides kann (zum Beispiel HomeAssistant) ist das aber kein Problem und in der Nutzung quasi identisch.

Unterputzdosen können mit Relays (zum Beispiel von Shelly) smart gemacht werden.

HomeAssistant ist datenschutzfreundlich (also nicht zu spät!) und kann richtig viel integrieren. Hat ein bisschen learning curve, aber mit Interesse voll machbar.

Oh nvm, das hatte ich überlesen. Ja dann geht das natürlich nicht.

Würde versuchen das über DSGVO Löschung zu probieren. Vollständiger Name und Adresse wirst du ja wohl wahrheitsgemäß angegeben haben müssen und deshalb noch sagen können. Geburtstag auch, wenn du da das echte angegeben hast. Diese Daten müssten ja reichen um dich eindeutig zu identifizieren.