There is a conspiracy theory that the giant ball of fire in the sky has something to do with climate, and our planet goes in and out of ice ages over time.

Scientists can tell you whatever their data and simulations tell them and it won't matter if the people who sell climate change to the population are mostly politicians who have done everything they can to undermine their own credibility.

But hey, the planet is going to die but we still have a huge chunk of our smartest people working on Wall Street figuring out the most unethical but legal ways to make the rich richer. But Billy-Bob southern conservative man who just works hard, likes to hunt, drink beer, and not worry about climate change is who you want to blame. And you are confused why no one listens to you anymore.

Yeah hyperbole like this is never even close to a clever comeback. People did not go insane, they just said fuck off and stopped buying bud light.

I don't think Project 2025 is the end of the world like a lot of people around here keep repeating over and over.

Look at it logically: the left and the deep state fucked with Trump's 1st term so much they give him no choice but to have a strategy if he gets a 2nd and final term. You guys (opposition against Trump) are responsible for whatever happens next because you took it too far the 1st time and proven beyond a doubt you can't be trusted on the 2nd term. Even weaponized the entire justice system to take out a political opponent and missed, then showed the world Biden isn't fit for office. A historic set of blunders that even your average idiot voter would understand how bad it is. Only people overdosing on copium are holding on to hope.

Whatever comes next will be 4 years of the find out stage that comes after the 8 years of fucking around.

If Biden performed somewhere in the middle of 2019/2024 debates then he would be a real contender. If Biden performed very close to how he did in 2019, Biden is the next president.

This debate was so bad that it's over for Biden. There is no way Biden can win this election now that the entire world knows how cooked his mental state is. There is no amount of gaslighting that can fix this. It's over.

Cool story bro.

You are in the service industry. Occasionally you get some shitty customers. Maybe they going through something, which isn't an excuse. Maybe that is how they are every day of the week.

Either way, you either kick them out once they cross the line or you continue to provide service and just complain about it to anyone who will listen to you.

We see which option you went with. You feel better now?

You compare the debate with the rally performance the day, it's a massive difference. Are you at all concerned with having a president that has such massive shifts in his cognitive abilities?

So you would vote conservative if the conservative party promised to do more of what Trudeau is doing?

Are you welding or machining? What kind of tool did you use to melt all of that material?

That is a great deal, hot damn

Inconclusive evidence, must acquit. Definitely an unsolved mystery.

Trump, and the business records, claimed it was a legal expense, which it absolutely was.

The media, the Democrats, and the prosecution claimed it was an illegal campaign expense. The FEC, whose jurisdiction is campaign finance laws, did not feel the hush money was in violation of campaign finance laws.

I don't know if Trump had sex with Stormy. Can't trust either one. But we do know for a fact Stormy extorted Trump for hush money while he was campaigning for POTUS.

People pay settlements all the time when it's cheaper and less time consuming compared to fighting it out in court, even if you will win.

Those vacant facial expressions from Biden with his mouth wide open, very concerning. Imagine a full situation room dealing with some serious shit and everyone looks to the POTUS for commands on how to proceed... and there is Joe Biden just staring into space with that look on his face he had 50 times last night. That guy is just not there mentally.

All Biden needed to do for a hugely successful debate performance was just look competent. He failed miserably.

And Biden also lied about the debunked claims Trump called Nazis "very fine people" as well as the lie he called vets "suckers and losers"

So they both lie. Real talk at this point is accepting how it is a draw and you focus on other things. Not real talk is pretending like it's OK one of them lies if they lie less often often, and then going on rants talking only about how the one who you think lies more often shouldn't be elected because they are a liar. Nice talk.

Start with real talk, refuse to admit Biden lied at all. That was some real talk right there.

The facial expressions alone from Biden were straight up embarrassing. Can you imagine some serious shit is hitting the fan and the whole room looks to the POTUS to make a decision... and all you see is Biden with that bewildered, confused, slacked-jawed facial expression?

That is the best alternative the DNC can come up with? Sometimes, when someone tries this hard to lose you just have to let them lose.

Biden told many lies that have already been proven for years to be lies.

As much as you hate Trump, you have to be concerned Biden is the best your party has to offer. That guy doesn't look fit to run an HOA let alone the USA. What a shitshow.

You know it's a bad anti-Trump lie when even snopes has debunked it.

Trump did everything the experts told him to do, and that included misleading the public to prevent widespread panic. He didn't just wing it and go rogue. The pandemic hit every country in the world, some did better than others, some did worse. No one did it perfect because it was not possible unless you lived in a bunker. People who were put on ventilators had a very low chance of surviving, and this was the go-to strategy for every hospital to deal with severe cases of covid. Studies after covid proved ventilators were a major factor in the deaths of people put on ventilators.

The goal was to just flatten the curve so the healthcare system was not overrun. That was a total success. Healthcare workers were making tik tok videos at work all across the nation for the entire pandemic. Massive Naval hospitals and massive tent-hospitals were put in place in a couple major cities. None of them were used because they weren't needed, they were all sent back without use because the healthcare system was never overrun.

The vaccine was created in record time. The worst offenders of the public trust in the vaccine were all of the anti-trump democrats and celebrities that told the public they will never trust a vaccine made during Trump's Presidency. You can google dozens of them, Kamala Harris did it.

You are posting blatant lies hoping no one remembers the truth or that they don't verify anything for themselves.

Crime statistics are based off reported and pursued crime. The system for crime statistics was changed in 2021 and not every law enforcement agency has been able to transition to the new system to submit their crime data.

New York City, Los Angeles, and the entire state of Florida, among many other places, have not submitted any crime data since the change in the system for how crime statistics are recorded.

With only 64% of the data they normally have available to tally up crime statistics, the FBI was forced to give their best guess to fill in the large gaps.

Their best guess is crime has gone down under Joe Biden.

It might be hard to convince some citizens of how low crime is right now if they are from any of the cities where shoplifting is so widespread that stores are forced to lock up every single item. Or places where if you don't leave your car windows down and trunk open you have a near 100% chance someone will break your windows looking for anything to steal.

However you feel about Trump, you can't deny the fact Biden looks like shit and sounds like shit.