TRTL pillow is the only reason I’ve ever slept on planes

15 miles Sherman Oaks to West Hills 30-40 mins am 40-1hr pm 😑

I too am a chicken soup girly. Gelson’s chicken and wild rice is great. Trader Joe’s Kettle Cooked Chicken soup is also great.

Depends where in Chatsworth. I work in that zip code and the unhoused population is pretty out of control. I do not walk my dogs alone at night or without pepper spray and a taser

You should definitely start looking into some more niche fragrances if you’re willing to spend that kind of money on the bigger names.

Every time I use it someone will ask if I’ve been hanging out in a cigar bar.

Bows should be the other way around. But cute

It’s busy, but also a shit show that locals hate

Ordered from Ajisai the other day and it was really good!

Stop. But I don’t disagree :580:

Any of Penhaligon’s Portrait series. Partial to Heartless Helen and Clandestine Clara

It was free. The nail came off within the 7 day window. Original service for Gel X and Chrome top was $130

Tipping question Discussion/Question

So I go to a very for lack of a better word “bougie” nail salon in LA. I love it but I always feel like the elder millennial sister that just doesn’t quite belong. Anyways for the first time in going for two years doing Gel X one of my nails popped off in the first week. I went to get it fixed and they didn’t charge me. The service for one nail took 30ish mins.I tipped the tech $15 was that enough? I know it’s silly but just looking for some feedback. Signed an elder millennial whose guilty pleasure is her nails ❤️


Gelson’s hot bar, sushi, salad bar, carving station and soup are elite.

The vegan enchilada in the fresh aisle is so vile I dumped the whole thing out