Yep same thing happened to me. Luckily my work paid for the fare anyway but it was ridiculous. A fare that’s usually $50ish he charged $80

You’ll be fine, I was bigger than you, worse bmi and completed it successfully. Take it as slow as you need to, get proper shoes, FOAM ROLL !!! Also a good sports bra (not sure what gender but just in case)

You were probably having bolder robusta, robusta has much more caffeine but not valued flavour wise here. whereas arabica has less caffeine and nicer flavour. (caffeine & bitterness are directly related). Try finding a robusta blend though most places don’t like to broadcast they use robusta haha. Also, fyi, robusta market has gone berserk price wise, it will probably trickle down to end consumer at some stage.

me neither. my work calendar and personal calendar are managed in my calendar app, and I'm not comfortable giving full access to events, invitees, locations, whatever other cookies and data. its completely unnecessary.

It’ll be gentrified soon enough, you’re fine .

ETA: I don’t think it’s bad :) I love the west.

Tulsi or oat straw lately for my nervous system

Yes when I first started especially when I was in a class without much breath work I would cry and my chest would lock up like a panic attack.

Why does MINDBODY need full access to my calendar?

I have a membership at a studio where I take yoga and Pilates classes and in my iPhone I have given the app permission to add events only. That has sufficed for the last 2 years or so since I started but now all of a sudden I can’t add my classes to the calendar unless I give MINDBODY access to my full calendar. Why do they need access to my full calendar? Why is “add events only” not enough anymore?

The people I visit always get excited by specialty Non Brazilian coffee. They can only get Brazilian coffee usually.

My dog is named Panela because she has coloring the same as Panela sugar and she has a sister (cat) named Honey

What do you mean the window started it

Because I have an obnoxious coworker haha I love working from the office if he’s not there

I second Campos do Jordão - super cozy and have fondue 🫕☺️ maybe also Paraty?

Yep I had to dispute with the bank they literally never got back to me and when I asked if there was a timeframe that they would reply the person couldn’t tell me “usual” timeframes. I think they don’t reply at all - it’s an ai but it’s amazing this is what I use in between my appointments that I can only afford one a month

I am still considering what is the best option, but I was also under the impression that things in Brazil are way more expensive with the extra taxes than I would pay outside.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply here. All good ideas. I have been learning Portuguese with the Michel Thomas method which has been the most helpful, along with several online schools over time. I also have the opportunity to practice with suppliers and my partner of course. I do need to get better though and improve my tempo.

Weirdly, I don’t want to live in São Paulo even in an expat suburb. I didn’t like santos at all when I first went there, but now I find it really charming and I can see it has lots of potential. Landscape is beautiful and I also love the beach, and like you said it’s a hop skip and a jump away from São Paulo. We’ll see though. :) we have plenty of time to iron out details.

Jesus. Yeah I’m not against moving most things with suitcases honestly. But I have appliances and I really like the furniture I’ve collected over the years - a lot of which is secondhand but it all goes together so that’s more what I was wondering and concerned about

Thanks for your response and willingness to help! What resources did they use to check all the rules? If you know

His family is in Santos, and we’d come from Melbourne