I literally have no interest in being preached to about something that sociologists have difficulty describing. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out ignoramus. 

The extreme left bears no similarities anymore to what I consider progressive ideals. 

How old are you, because you don't understand that conflict. 

The Palestine protesters are a prime example of the condescending woke pampered youth coming out of higher education. Of all the actual issues facing Americans right now, this is not one of them. There are also about 62 active genocides currently happening, and I don't see a difference between any of them. 

I also find the black and white "good side bad side" thinking about a conflict that is so complex, people have dedicated their entire lives to studying it - to be completely infantile. 

It's not pride. And it just goes to show how lgbt spaces have become overrun with people for whom activism is their identity, and everyone and everything is included. 

I'm a financial advisor by trade. Children are not good retirement plans. In fact, the person whose most likely to financially abuse you in old age, is a male son or grandson. 

My own goal is to have 2 million (today's  equivalent of) in retirement accounts by 65. With 2 million, I can make 6 figures in dividends and interest alone. It's smart not to rely on one source of income alone in retirement. I also just bought my first investment property. When I retire, I'll have an investment portfolio and real estate portfolio, and social security if it still exisits. So I've diversified my income streams in three different ways. I'm also considering opening a food truck business, as they have great margins. And I'd like to write a book or great a financial advice podcast to increase passive income and royalty streams. I'm always thinking about ways to diversity income streams and make it passive. 

I will retire a millionaire, and die with millions in excess to leave to charities or people I choose. 

Sales and real estate. Started at a bank call center. Moved to a brokerage call center. Moved to a different brokerage call center. Purchased a rental property. Going to hit 6 figures this year for the first time. 

Depends on the specific guy. If he's dehydrated and is thick, or he smokes and it's sour then it can be really gross. But some guys their cum tastes great and it's really hot. 

Personally I'd rather get bred every time, though so I rarely end up swallowing. 

Guys getting agressive with me about not responding, or seeing I'm online and getting upset I'm chatting with someone else etc. I don't like possesive crap just because I've chatted back and forth. 

I also don't like when incompatible guys hit me up just because I'm attractive. Oh you're also a bottom but you hit me up because I'm hot. What's the point? You're wasting my time. 

That wasn't your fault. Tops should be able to handle some number 2 and even some blood potentially. He doesn't deserve to top if he treats his bottom like that. He should buy a silicone ass and leave human beings alone. 

You are the kind of person who is going to be rich. You are just surrounded by poor people with a poor mindset. As long as the sun comes up, everything is possible for you. You've got a whole bright life ahead of you. And for what it's worth, you're doing a great job and I'm proud of you. 

Not sure what it is, but if I have emotion in my voice I'm accused of being aggressive, but if I'm calm when I communicate an issue it's not taken seriously. And women say some hurtful ass shit sometimes lol 

Dating women is a different kind of bad lol. Very expensive too. They expect you to pay for everything and give you shitty token gifts. And if they cry the argument is over. 

Corny forced dirty talk with lots of questions they expect answers to. If you're fucking me right neither one of us should be formulating full sentences. That's different than being vocal, I love that. It's natural and animal. I just don't like any type of fake shit. Or porn/women sounding moaning instant turn off. 

Bad body odor or bad breath is another one. 

Him not being able to stay hard. 

Doing weird stuff I don't like repeatedly. Like biting, trying to give me a hickey, bad kissing, sucking my toes etc. It's like what are we doing? 

Yeah I don't mind after work or gym. I have one fwb whose very clean and likes to shower first, but sometimes he'll come by right after work and he just has this amazing smell. It's like a natural cologne. 

There's definitely a difference between that an someone who hasn't showered all weeked, and is sweaty and musty and just gooning in bed waiting for grindr to bite 

I turned my parlor into a huge master bedroom. The front door isn't used anyways. They have pocket doors to close it off from the dining space. And the dinning room is the parlor. 

If I hadn't done that? I'd probably have turned it into a non traditional dinning space. Put up bookcases. And plants and had cast iron bistro seating or something. 

Don't feel like you have to know everything going in. You'll learn as you go and things come up. 

You can DIY more than you think, and a lot of stuff that seems like an emergency, isn't actually super urgent. That leaking pipe, put a bucket under it and YouTube a fix tomorrow. No need to call a 24 hour service. Water gets into basement? Won't really impact the structure in most cases. Etc. 

Tbh I feel like intent doesn't really matter here. Whenever someone decides to do something wrong for the benefit of an end goal they think is justified, it always results in pain. I feel that's a pretty egregious error to make and a relationship destroyer. Why they did it is their problem and they can deal with it. 

I have autistic traits but not enough for a formal diagnosis. My mother has autism however. It's my father who is the narcissist. 

Despite my father being a diagnosed narcissist (which is rare. My mother made him go to therapy) I typically avoid saying it. I usually like to show not tell and let people make their own conclusions. I'll share a couple toenail curling anecdotes and see the horror on their faces and I know I've made my point. We're not talking about some selfish cheater ex. We're talking about scary shit. 

They're useful for me. My family immigrated from Italy to the U.S. not that long ago, so connecting with some cousins has really helped me fill in the blanks. 

When I was an infant I'd dream about things I saw that I didn't understand. I remember dreaming about seeing a fire extinguisher in a glass case in the front entryway of a church as I was being carried by my father. I was old enough to hold my head up but too young to walk. 

My default is to start out disliking someone. Very rarely do I have an instant intense connection. Otherwise I tend to slowly evaluate people and get used to them. 

In my experience they don't feel less pleasure, but it takes a higher degree of friction to feel the same amount of pleasure. 

"That's your opinion" when you stated a fact.