All Zionist want to do is reverse ethnic cleansing by ethnic cleansing…. Crazy logic there.

Israel wants to peacefully expel millions of Arabs and be left alone? That’s the whole crux of the argument, how do you expel a people that have lived in Palestine longer than the kingdom of Israel ever existed and do it peacefully?

Those darn Arabs just won’t let us take their land, farms, and kill their women and children in peace. They keep resisting our brutal occupation and expansion into their homeland.

Nazis were a racist organization trying to ethically cleanse “Germanys Homeland” for their superior race to colonize. They were objectively evil.

Zionists are a racist organization trying to ethnically cleanse “Land Promised by God” for their superior race to colonize. They are objectively evil.

I had so many arguments with people about this topic in October. I guess I was right all along, Zionists are just too blinded by their hate to see the truth right in front of them. In a decade we will all learn that half the civilian casualties on Oct 7th were killed by the IDF.

Cuba did that to the US once, they got sanctioned to hell. Nicaragua, Panama, Chile…. numerous other countries tried to nationalize land and the US lead bloody coups/ invaded them. I’m sure Laos would be invaded if they tried to do that.

I have seen a lot of Hezbollah videos, they mostly seem to be aiming at military installations and targets. I have seen a lot of IDF strikes they seem to always kill a bunch of civilians. Terrorist is just your point view.

The IDF is just the continuation of Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi… they literally just put on IDF uniforms one day.

Where are you finding these videos? Want to keep up but other than some bad edits by Indian news sources they are hard to find.

Hindsight being the 40,000 or so dead Palestinians and Israel’s continued annexation of the West Bank….. no.

I wish instead of allowing suitcases money to go to Hamas in opposition to the PLO. I would have rather seen less restriction of imports/exports to and from Gaza and less sanctions on their economy generally.

Supporting Hamas in opposition to the PLO for the intention of withholding the formation of a Palestinian state was/is wrong.

Bibi has literally stated getting the hostages back will not end the “war” or genocide. The hostages are not being released because Israel intends to keep bombing Gaza after the hostages are returned.

Also the genocide started in the 1940’s. 200,000 Palestinians were expelled from their lands by Zionist terrorist groups Haganah, Irgun, and Lehi, well before Israel declared itself a state.

That’s the whole point. China basically own Laos now that they can’t repay debts. They are about to own big chunk a of Africa and their mineral resources after those countries can’t repay.

The west has been doing this for decades using the IMF/World Bank.

  1. Loan money to a country that can’t repay.

  2. Make country use that loan money to fund projects aimed at extracting resources. Western contractors who build the projects end up with the loan money.

  3. Country defaults on loan.

  4. Now whoever loaned the money owns the country and its resources….. The loan money went back to the contractors from the country that gave the loan in the first place.

Bibi is on record saying that supporting Hamas is the best was to ensure there will never be a Palestinian state.

Israel supports Hamas in opposition to less radical resistance groups.

US supported Taliban in opposition to more radical resistance groups.

Like if the US armed ISIS in opposition to the Talaban then sure it would be about the same.

Honestly with how crazy Israel looks theses days with the West Bank annexation, Genocide, ICC case, ICJ case, threatening the ICC/ICJ….. I could go on.

I think Iran could send the message they are fine with the west, but still has an issue with Israel and those who supply Israel with weapons. Again Israel and its government is making Iran look sane by contrast.

I’m sure I’m going to get down voted, but normalizing relations with the west, seems like a good thing. I realize it’s not a Revolution or a cia backed coup, but it’s at least a step in the right direction.

You are saying the US is still sending weapons to Israel? The world has gone mad.

It sounds like you want Israel to finish expelling the Palestinians. The violence in this conflict is very one sided.

“A land without people a people without land”

I’m guessing you think the messiah will return after the temple is rebuilt and the Arabs expelled.

You are suggesting they are not annexing the West Bank?

My point is the leaders of Israel said what they planned to do. Israel by their actions is doing exactly what they said they would.

Your point is none of this was planned, Israel is just blindly reacting to terrorism. If it wasn’t for terrorism Israel would not have done exactly what they said they would do and are currently doing.

At this point sure, it’s a little late to make it go away.

The way Israel was created was objectively wrong. Sure there were Jewish people living in Palestine they were a minority living with the Muslim majority and the a Christian minority as well.

Deciding to create a purely Jewish state where Christians and Muslims far outnumbered the Jewish population was insane. The idea that you can mass migrate and forcibly expel the Arabs to make room for a purely Jewish state is insane and that is what Zionists decided decades before 1948.

You are suggesting pharmaceuticals are priced the way they are because of supply and demand? You really think the invisible hand of the market is why drugs cost hundreds of times more on the US as compared with any other country in the world?

Economic theory is not based on reality.