Came to say Terrible Lie by NIN (though I prefer the acoustic version), but the entire song is the punch so I couldnt just choose part.

You dont "do it." It hurts every time you think of them, and then you remind yourself of the good times, then maybe hope to see em in a dream then go about your day until the next time you hear that song yall used to sing, or the show you used to watch or you catch a familiar scent, or worse see someone out that looks just like them.

He means that either you or he are dead and dont need to worry about the friendship ruined.

I have her SSS 164,721CP Attk/Crit.

4.7K Atk
1k def
9.8k HP
184 spd
100 Crit
234 CDmg (i need to correct this wwhen i change my right side gear)
Eff/Res 39/21

+28 Bloody Rose
6* Awaken. Shes best girl, Ive wanted her ever since I started playing but it took like a year before she finally dropped on my account, after that it was like a melissa waterfall lol. Shes got some stats id like to clean up, esp her cdmg and speed, but I only have level 75 neck/ring on her cause I cant find anything that works yet, plus gearing the latest limiteds.

Them numbas be thiiiicc son! Lookin good!

Then you should have seen the ML5 Headhunting event that ran from 11/23 to 01/24 that allowed you to earn points to basically buy whatever ML5 you wanted. Granted, every 6 months is mostly just a shot in the dark guess at their event calendar but they are always doing events that allow for you to fill out your character folder. Also you dont NEED MLs to RTA. You wont get to the top ranks but as long as you are gearing properly youll do reasonably well. Believe me, I get the rage at not getting what you want, but the ML5s have ALWAYS been the white whales of E7 and only come with time, which you said yourself youve put next to none of in, really.

Just play, and they'll come. Shit, Ive whiffed on the last 4 ML5s that I really would have liked, dont really care about Senya at all and randomly pulled her on a whim. Luke I said though, if you stick around, eventually theyll run some event thatll get you what you want...and if you havent, make sure to do all of the moonlight theaters.

You realize the pull rate for an ml5 in covenant summon is 0.15% right? Thats just over 1/10th of 1%. And thats not a cumulative chance thats PER ROLL. So getting ML5s in covenant is NOT the way to go. Instead of rolling in the Mystic Summon everytime you get the 50 Mystics, save them. Also about every 6 months or so SG has a selector that lets you choose the character you want and all you have to do is literally just play the game and you get the character.

Offtopic, idk why but I first read that as " Im not a vegetarian"... and led me to muuuuch confusion lmao i swear, I had to reread it like 3x before my brain fixed itself.

To make sure its really done he should throw it against the wall, see if it sticks. Unless he wants al dente.

Roflmao, an actual conversation between me and my stepson...

Him: Hey, you know how I know you were born in the 80s?

Me: laughing No, hows that?

Him: Because you collect DVDs.

Me: laughing harder what?!

Him: Yeah, cause now if we wanna watch a movie we can just stream it.

Me: Okay, okay. But let me ask you this...what will you do if the internet goes out? Or you cant pay your bill and it shuts off...what then?

Him: thinking hard Huh, yea, guess that makes sense.

Lmao, cracked me tf up.

Man, I remember seeing the early kits that required close to an engineering degree to put together, or even manufacture the bits you needed and the cost of ordering them was way up there too, and IIRC you really had to know someone who was "on the inside" to point you in the right direction when dialing them in. I always wanted to get involved but the kits themselves were waaay too involved for me, lol.

Niiice, I was super excited to see the throwback and I hope we get to see some sweet weapon action in the next one.

I know this is an old topic but I just stumbled on it and stopped to say that if you didnt notice, Tifas room, when you travel back to Nibelheim, has two posters thats are "scenery" but really are Emerald and Ruby weapon.

Ooobbbviiously its too much power, I mean, what WERE you thinking?!

Lol /s

You think he got lockjaw on the cross? Ya know...'cause Tetanus?

Lotion helps, preferably a moisturizing one. Try with aloe too!

Is the tape just to pull the letters out and hold them in place while gluing? Love the look too.

This is what Neo sees as the Dark Lord of the Sith comes to dispute his title as "The One"

Do you use illustrator for vectoring? Or is there another program that you use? Looking to get into this hobby soon. Looks amazing, good work!

Oh yea, i commented this before seeing your pt2 post and i think itd look amazing. While id probably keep it minimal, with epoxy you can also add in layered sea life by doing multiple pours with embedded creatures/corals etc. But i love the design, good work!

Paint, then fill with blue epoxy. Would look bad ass, even more than it does.