Everyone that went with me commented on how good the water is! In Florida we are used to very hard water, I have an RO system for my house and the water in Minneapolis tastes so much better :)

I’m fine with it :) The city felt young and vibrant. I currently live in gods waiting room that has now turned into a sauna

I have no shoe in the game but I fell in love with Minneapolis over the weekend. I’m from FL and flew up for the US Olympic trials and was amazed with the city. Like considering moving there when I go fully remote for work.

E2a: THE WATER. The water tastes amazing

It’s like this in Jacksonville Florida. It’s as if it’s a national problem and not just a liberal policy problem

There are flight records on the Lolita jet. Regardless of where it’s going you still flying with a pedo

What happened to dunk tanks…….?

After watching s\combatfootage I know for fact you should not hide

The farmers market, food, and music was not just for the US trials, a vendor told me they would be back the next week for the farmers market. I went on Saturday and Sunday so maybe it’s only a weekend thing but the water area is open everyday :)

Peavey Plaza

When I went they had tents up, live music, food, and farmers market. I took my shoes and socks off to walk through the water to get to the public restrooms. There are also beautiful water fountains and sitting areas where adults were sitting with their feet in the water

We had a terrace with steps at my childhood home that led to our play area and pool and my parents lined the steps with lavender and whenever I smell lavender I instantly get nostalgic flashbacks and love it :) me and my siblings always ran our hands through the lavender when we used the stairs and would sit on the trampoline and smell our fingers hahah

I flipped so many carts as a kid from horsing around. My mom didn’t blame the grocery store she blamed herself for allowing me to mis use a grocery cart

Like I said, I was clarifying that statistically speaking most homeless are not mentally ill. Idc where you think they should sleep or not, I was just clarifying for people.

I actually let my neighbor move into my spare room when she became homeless. She just needed a month to sort things out. Her rent went up by $1000 and she was evicted :( she works full time too so having a place to lay her head, store her belongings, and shower really helped her keep her job. :)