iPhone 15 Pro Max

iPhone 15 Pro Max here too, I realized that sometimes I put the brightness down (at night in the car, or in a dark room) and it still gets brighter after a short time, like it tries to force me to have the brightness higher than the minimum, and after a few “fights back” of lowering the brightness it surrenders and lets me have it at minimum brightness

She is probably a girl, and by Everton shower they jsually refer to a full shower with depilation, hair washing, skin moisturizing…

I was in Thailand and I loved the fact that you could have a full body massage for just something like 15$

Espero que sea una broma 😂

Seguramente se refería al beneficio, si tienes 5 plazas cada una a 50€ mensuales son 250€ (que no es mucho, pero ya es un ingreso pasivo extra que tienes) Teniendo ya 15-20 casi que dejas de trabajar (obviamente no pero sabes a lo que me refiero)

Maybe he lives in a hill, she does too, he has to go downhill and then uphill, in both scenarios

Now I have more questions than before. But I heard of a theory too that the universe maybe bounces, it’s called Big Bounce and involves the Big Crunch (when the universe starts contracting) and after contracting a lot, creates another Big Bang and happens all the time, the theory says too that we could live in the first Big Bang or maybe one of the thousands of them.

What exhaust is that? I wonder how it sounds

Well, i work in construction, the time when the rebars are not rusted is the first few days after they come out from the factory so… nothing wrong!

Have you tried wiping it down with half vinegar and half water mixture? Probably it’s something from the water I would say, but not a 100% sure, looks a little bit like paint

Happened to my old jet ski, a dwa years bak, full ski rope sucked downt the water intake, the only way to do it fast was to go below the jet ski and cut the full rope, I was lucky it didn’t enter the turbine, it was fully tangled on the shaft

If the cooking lady looks like a man and her arm is bigger than your leg, you know the food will be good

Też racja bo dużo z tym zabawy Przyznam, że za 3K to bardzo tanio… za 1K sam bym dał swój do oklejenia ;D Tutaj w Hiszpanii jakieś 2-3K euro musiałbym zapłacić jak się dowiadywałem cen

Piękny, ile Cię kosztował materiał? Sam oklejałeś?

Bottom half of the head? Like the head was apart of the corpse and there was only half of it left?

Thank you for your response, now this confuses me even more🤣, I will try to figure it out a little bit and read about the Bells theorem

Wait, what? So an electron doesn’t move if someone isn’t looking at it? Or I misunderstood something

I can check on my sea doo tomorrow morning and tell you, I had one lost too, went to the shop and they knew exactly what part it was

Wait, are you serious? I’m trying to gain weight a long time and nothing helps, should I start drinking more milk?

Well, I don’t know in which country you are located, but here in Spain my normal maintenance costs of the Duke 125 (and they are probably the same as the 390 because it’s the same bike with a bigger engine) was around 300-400€ every 7500km, oil, filters, spark plugs etc… so probably they are ripping you off or changing something they shouldn’t, do you know what do they include in their service?

What is the font of the “Suicidal Tendencies?”

iPhone 15 Pro Max

Edit: I couldn’t attach the video, don’t know why. Edit 2: why can’t I edit the post?