Maybe series 1 from 2005, series 5 from 2010 or the new season 1 from 2023(4). The older show is dear to me but it is rougher for new people to watch these days. I recommend watching it from BBC iplayer using VPN so you can check out eras and episodes. The show shares continuity between each era so it does soft reboots from time to time.

Doctor Who. All of the intros from 1963 to this day are good.

Dyynit tuli luettua englanniksi kaikki kuusi kun Frank Herbertin tuotoksista vasta 3/6 on käännetty suomeksi. Näistä viimeisin oli Dyynien lapset joka tuli suomeksi viime vuonna, alkuperäisteos tuli ulos 1976. Monesti suomeksi sci-fiä on hankala löytää, Asimovit käännettiin mutta uusia painoksia ei ole tullut vuosikymmeniin.

I love Power of the Doctor for the fan service even if it is kind of mess of an episode. Big fan of Dr Whos 5 to 8 so seeing them again made me so happy.

I saw 11 of TLR dvds for 1€ each at fleamarket. Still too high price for that crap film.

Ah you see the commercials on tv and the next thing is to hide Toa Onua canister behind other toys in the supermarket because the sets are selling too well. You have to save your allowance money 4 weeks to be able to buy the toy. Lore you get from the Lego catalogue and the canister. You dont even know how to read or any english words at all at that time.

Thats how I got inro these toys in 2001.

Not monster but we should really return to Peladon.

Vihaan sukkia. Ihana kun on lämmin niin voi mennä kaikkialle ilman sukkia. Sandaaleita käytän pääasiassa kesäisin.

It is missing Masterbuilder set and the duracell promos.

Liitukausi. Isot liskot hallitsi pitkään.

Classic Doctor Whos after Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker (kind of) and Sylvester McCoy still regenerated lying down.

You can start with 1963 show or Season 7 (1970) story Spearhead from space or 1974 serial Robot or 2005 story Rose or 2010 story Eleventh Hour or 2014 story Deep Breath or 2018 story The Woman who fell to Earth. The Church in Ruby Road from 2023 works too as a starting point too.

Star Wars Republic Commando. Also I would have liked a real continuation to Rayman 3. Raving Rabbids kind of ruined the franchise for years. 

Or this is Maul with robotic legs. Witches of Dathomir fixed him.

I played the trilogy years ago and after on pc with mods that fixed ceftain things. The multiplayer had severe connectivity issues with connecting my friends games because we had bought the game at different times.

Still salty that they never fixed the multiplayer or included it in the LE. 

It works well. I've been using it myself for a while. You contribute to the viewing figures that way :D