Hahaha what a loser. Imagine paying for women lol

Bro. You already watch that on your screen all the time. You want more? HE WANTS MORE?


Yep, you’re right, I’m wrong.

Edit - was his acting debut, not directing.

Well I love Mads as a director so I’ll add these to my list! Thanks!

Please tell me clin penguin is a real place where I can hangout with other penguin people. Life’s been tough since club penguin close. Rip

Never even heard of them! I take it they are worth watching?

They’re awful dogs that are, more often than not, raised by the worst owners.

My parents grew up here and said it sucked in the 80’s/90’s. I grew up here and thought it sucked. I drove through it yesterday and thought it sucked. We’re arguing about subjective things. You know what’s not subjective? The fact that over 50% of the businesses are bail bonds/tire shops and the majority of businesses have bars over their windows.

You don’t get points in heaven for protecting garland on Reddit dude. Not even gonna read what you write next because this is a stupid argument - but judging by your comment history you love spending all day on Reddit lol.

She’s a man actually. Broad shoulders, Adam’s Apple the size of mine, clearly taking test boosters

Let’s hit them with the ‘logic’ they use. MTG is a man turned female who isn’t able to cope with her testosterone.

I grew up here but please educate me.

My favorite part is how there’s an automotive shop every 75 ft and when there aren’t automotive shops there are bail bond stores. All of the businesses have bars on their windows so you know it’s a safe part of town.

Thats awesome! Shared childhood experience. My older brother and I traded off on our 64-his best rider was Niva Kee, mine was anakin. Damn I loved that game.

Dude I heard somebody say “it’s working!” On TV yesterday and I swear I heard it in anakins voice from that game.

Emily blunt giving birth in a quiet place. But this was also my answer when this exact question was posted yesterday.

I got pretty nice head from this girl in Austin one time and my brothers name is Austin - so I like Austin for those reasons. Tacos not half bad either.

Bots are way better than bugs. I know it’sa preference thing, but my preference feels correct lol

Ban this bitchass loser. I am also a nobody with a stream (9 followers lol) and I ban tf out of people who come talk shit (for no reason), promote their discord, etc. get this loser out.

I’m sorry this is happening to you btw

Hey fuck you dude my dad is stronger than your dad.