:phi: Philadelphia Phillies

Just bustin' your balls, good video

:phi: Philadelphia Phillies

A 3-run triple by Brandon Nimmo?

Trump is arguably the most liked President I can think of, more popular vote and rally turnouts then even Obama! And the people that don't like him generally don't know anything about him, never actually watch him or listen to him, and just echo the typical Leftist rhetoric about him.

I've never seen Trump give an obviously teleprompted speech then just start randomly mumbling several words together, more than once, in the same speech like Biden has and continues to do.

They weren't stolen, he was President and was allowed to have them. As for their storage they were in a safe in his house...not exactly like the boxes in the garage Biden used to store his top secret documents or hotel room he left them in that, as Vice President, he was never supposed to have in the first place. Again, this is a thing that Biden not only did but his doing it is far worse than Trump.

There are literally dozens more, you are a Trump fanboy. Lmao.

The show acted like Barkley was an out of touch boomer for pointing out what everyone was seeing. I really hope they re-visit this topic this week.

Believe it or not I'm a very liberal person, am atheist, and LOVE science as a matter of fact.

Is that why you're constantly defending Trump in your post history and parroting Russian propaganda? Seems SUPER liberal to me.

Lol I looked for myself, and you're right, he's parroting all of the "Russia actually isn't that bad, the West and Biden provoked them into invading Ukraine!" narratives that you see these suburban white giga-Karens propagating. Also defending Trump's cognitive abilities 24/7. Covid conspiracies, etc.

He's exactly the type of consumer of the fake news OP's article talks about, and he doesn't even realize it.

Unfortunately the NY federal courts don't prosecute sitting or former US Presidents for war crimes committed by the IDF 5,600 miles away, it's slightly out of their jurisdiction.

Giving Israel money and weapons isn't a war crime, that's just standard US foreign policy since Eisenhower, regardless of party.

You said this conviction would hit harder if the other candidate wasn't committing war crimes every single day, and I'm asking which war crimes you're talking about?

Then I said Trump wasn't prosecuted for any Presidential acts (one could argue that ordering drone strikes is murder, but those acts are protected by Presidential immunity because it's an official act as President). He was prosecuted for something he did as a private citizen, prior to the election.

What war crimes is the other candidate doing every single day?

Ignoring the fact that Trump was prosecuted for an illegal thing he did as a private citizen, before he was President.

I think Dan realizes that more than many of the other hosts, he's usually a bit better at playing devil's advocate.

:phi: Philadelphia Phillies

I was thinking the same thing, I just sat on that page for a few minutes hovering my mouse around the different icons and being mesmerized. Neat tool.

A famous Cincinnati Reds baseball announcer named Thom Brennaman got caught on a hot mic using a slur before the game started, then during the game the news spread to him that everyone watching TV heard the slur, and he realized he was about to get fired. So he starts going into this long-winded apology; meanwhile, a player named Nick Castellanos hits a homerun, and Brennaman awkwardly pivots back to "baseball announcer man" and starts describing the homerun and the score of the game, before going right back to his sappy apology monologue.

The whole thing was super funny and awkward, and it became a running baseball gag that Nick Castellanos somehow has a knack for hitting a homerun during the most awkward/somber moments going on in the real world (eulogies, apologies, Memorial Day tributes, etc).

Here's the original video:

And a compilation of other times Castellanos hit a HR during an awkward announcer moment:

I did the same, it's crazy. I reckon a lot of those are bot comments (the ones that instantly get 100s of upvotes with some generic "America is dead" comment in a sea of thousands of similar comments), but it's still crazy knowing some real people genuinely believe those things. Two Americas.

It's hard to call them "paragraphs" when it's really just 5 sentences separated by spaces to make them easy to read.

If you can't read that far before giving up and going straight back to complain in the Reddit/Twitter comments then I don't know what to tell you.

Where? Link one peer reviewed paper that says there are no side effects or complications associated with cosmetic surgery.

If she googled "pros and cons of BBL/breast surgery," she would have immediately had access to thousands of patient testimonials like hers to help her think more critically about her upcoming decision.

:phi: Philadelphia Phillies

Isn't it better to have pitched and TJ'd than to have never pitched at all? I say throw caution to the wind and let 'er rip for as long as this guy is around, he is a once in a lifetime player.

Maxey was live tweeting about other playoff games like 2 days after being eliminated, the man loves ball.

Lol one of those Animorphs book covers where he grows and transforms into Embiid as he's falling.