Too tall. We’ve had a tall handsome Australasian as Wolverine already. It’s time we had a real stumpy Wolvie in live action!

:Doraemon: Topping Doraemon

No I think D was early days FunHaus. K was definitely IG

:Doraemon: Topping Doraemon

That’s Inside Gaming pre-Funhaus isn’t it? Don’t think that counts

I love it. It’s fantastic. I feel it’s the best of both worlds between the bright red comic look and what came before with the suit in the Netflix show.

I cannot wait to see it bouncing around hallways and bars and rooftops 🔥

Is it stupid if it worked? A nigh-indestructible powerhouse using a focused and repeated physical assault on a single spot of his armor makes more sense than Doom being taken down by a bunch of squirrels.

“Where’s my money, honey?”

Still such an incredibly Boss move 🤣

So cool. Hearing Charlie Cox verbatim say “course-correction” in regards to the overall direction of the show really feels like we’re going to be getting exactly what we want: More Daredevil, as great as it was with the Netflix show.

There’s a really cool block of old shacks in the middle of Shinjuku, Tokyo called the Golden Gai District. Each shack has a different bar with a different theme (most were music themed like jazz, metal, etc.).

Place straight up feels like a town in Fallout with all the old shacks and neon signs. Seriously, google “Golden Gai Tokyo”. It’s pretty awesome

…that’s Stick? From what scene or poster is that silhouette from?

I thought it must be Luke Cage or something from how big the silhouette is!

Who’s the white silhouette in the center?

I can identify Foggy, Karen, Elektra and Claire.

I think he “invests” in allot of business or reconstruction efforts anonymously without any expectation of payback. Disorganized charity

Guarantee he puts all those caps into the cases he works (buying and bribing information/access to secured places), helping the victims involved in the cases he works, or straight up puts that money back into the communities of the common wealth (discretely) because he is genuinely that focused on making the world a better place.

Guy does not seem focused on keeping monetary wealth in anyway whatsoever. He legit just might be the most noble character in Fallout.


Finally have the time to master my hobbies at the price of an additional lifetime of heartbreak 💔


I can’t wait for Astrogoblins 18th birthday

:crimson: Capt of Nothing Help Im Adrift In Space OGodOGod

You can’t take the Razorback.

We are gone

and gone

and gone.

How dare you disrespect the Son of Mogh like that.

He’s played by Michael Dorn or NO ONE