It looked like a good meatball and spaghetti sandwich.

Then they made it into a soup.

Like the old NES racing games. Tap...Tap...Tap...TAPTAPTAPHOOOOLDTAPTAP...Tap...Tap.

People already name their kids like they name their WOW characters.

If Trump and his idiocracy wins, Dildo Faggins will be in the top 10.

Conservatives are only conservative until it inconveniences them.

Probably a case of X milligrams will fuck your baby up, 50 times X milligrams will kill it before it comes to term.

If sex doesn't risk dire consequences, how else will we punish the sinners?


The alt right incels would go full Handmaids Tale if they could.

Fly to one of the 29 states we haven't fucked things up.


As long as your state doesn't make leaving the state for an abortion a crime, the democrats will save you from our hatred and incompetence.

My biggest problem was my follower getting between me and the thing I was trying to kill.

I wound up launching Lydia off a mountain.

Didn't see her for like a 4 gaming sessions and assumed she died somewhere off in the distance. With all my burdens she had been carrying.

Next thing I know, a week later I'm in the middle of a fight and she comes running out of nowhere to help out. Only to charge directly in front of me while I'm charging at an enemy with full berserker buffs, tanking the hit and saving my enemy, and being incapacitated immediatly.

Hey I'm happy to see you lived but when will you learn to GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!

Don't worry, if you're wearing that you probably won't be raped by tentacles.

*I have not done any research on the subject. Maybe stay away from open water and seafood markets to be safe.


Reminds me of the time when I was a teen, I was at camp for 2 weeks(I'm Canadian and liked to spend half my summers camping), on day 2 we met some cute girls in a camp site a few lots down, snuck some booze from my uncles supply and headed out on the hiking trails. Mid way through the night I drank some Canadian lake water to show how tough and "outdoorsy" I was.

I didn't get laid.

A little over a week later I did get beaver fever.

Not the euphemism that got me into this mess, the real one, giardiasis.

It gave me the shits and gas. Monumental amounts of gas. I was unleashing the thunder of the gods. The problem was the campgrounds didn't have modern plumbing back then. They had toilets over a giant shared septic tank.

A very large tank which acted like the resonance chamber of a giant church organ.

16 year old me thought the resonating thunder that emanated from my ass was hilarious. 3 of the neighboring campgrounds that were trying to sleep did not and called the park rangers, one of which because I "frightened her children". The park rangers started off mad about the noise complaint until they heard the reason, asked me if I needed medical assistance, I said I just needed softer TP in the bathroom.

Fortunately for the neighbors it passed after a couple days and was never nearly as bad as the first night/day.

They had to patch in easier spawn areas when the number of active players got too low. Later came race/class bonuses.


My first and best playthrough was an orc berserker.

Charging off cliffs to one shot dragons like a green and more succesful Matthew David McConaughey

It's a joke. Like Trump.

You getting offended and popping off and stamping "rent free" everywhere is us living rent free in your head

Republicans liked that insult so much they stole it even though they don't understand it (like most things they repeat).

Rent free would only apply if he was retired and lived a private life. Like Hillary after she lost

Trump seeks constant attention from his supporters with media and rallies, has an oversized impact on politics which affect people's lives, and is a likely candidate for POTUS.

That is not rent free, that is valid concern.

Although we are living rent free in your head based on your need to obsessively copy paste "Rent free" dozens of times to people.

Turns out the Draugr you kill on the surface were just on their way to the market to pick up fresh fruit or their order of torches.


I work in fiber optics, and one of our old installers had a fear of heights. He couldn't handle ladder work on the poles, but was ok most days with working in the cherry picker on the truck. But if the weather was bad and shaking the bucket around, or just some days the fear was stronger than others, he would need someone else to do the aerial work. He would get half way up and just not be able to go higher.

Meanwhile, I was a monkey ever since I was a kid. Always climbing higher than anyone else dared to go in trees, building a rope swing that swung out over a 20 foot cliff in the bush near my place etc... I remember in college me and my friends climbed 3 trees all the way to the top, each easily 30 feet up, lit a joint and we would lean and bend the tops of the trees to reach each other to pass it around.

No fear of heights. Ladder on a ledge on an apartment building rooftop looking over traffic 4 stories below? No problem.

Until I had a fall on a ladder and broke my arm badly. Just 3-4 feet, but landed wrong.

Since then I have to psyche myself up to do some normal things on a ladder (never mind the daredevil shit) that I wouldn't have hesitated to do before, even though I do everything I can to follow all the proper safety procedures.

And like my co-worker, some days I barely even notice, but some days that adrenaline really starts to go and I start thinking of career a career change.

Based on the fact that they were found buried in a bin, with no signs of injury to the bones leading researchers to think they asphyxiated, I'm wondering if they were buried alive together as punishment for breaking taboo.


It's fake. The first video is real, but the second is reversed, they were waiting for the photographer to be ready for the photo, hence awkwardly standing there.

Meanwhile cruise ships dump over one billion gallons of raw sewage each year.

Guy got grossed out by the idea of poop winding up in the ocean.

Nobody tell him about whales.


Americans racing to the bottom of the barrel to see who can get there first. One candidate has one foot in the grave, the other is a criminal moron who covers for his stupidity by confidently spouting mental diahrea.


Nope. Average water levels up 8-9 inches.

Where did you hear this nonsense?