You're doing the Lord Scorch's work. Enjoy your summer man!

By that time, Mcjudas will have left that sad fan base behind.

I've never been so proud of a team!

Battle For Middle Earth, Third age on console and Gameboy Advance. Two towers and return of the king on OG Xbox. Good times.

Trust me, every Canadian is gonna get sick of hearing that fan base brag about the cup. In about a month, the whole county will hate Oiler fans. Facts just give it time. Even if they lost, they would still brag about how far they made it.

My co-worker tried to make me do this. I shut that shit down fast with a "Fuck that".

CGY - NHL :61703:

Tried to mix to memes together. Didn't go so well, lol.

They probably got some space TLC telling them don't go chasing waterfalls.

CGY - NHL :61703:

No man, it's Prayers and thoughts. You gonna get your ass kicked saying something like that.

Friends make this game bearable. And when your friend goes crazy then it's time for bed lol.

I remember spending 3 full days and feeling like all the good things in this world vanished when I beat the game. Took me a few days to feel better. I don't know how a game could do that. I literally said what now, there is nothing out there.

Fuck I miss the Trio of Mony, Johnny and Chucky.

Soon You would not believe your eyes. If ten million fireflies. Lit up the world as you fell asleep.

Lol just a meme man.. Go back to your sad sub reddit where fun isn't aloud.

That's literally me in the picture

I noticed that your original comment expressed a strong opinion against the Calgary Flames drafting, trading for, or signing Russian players, including some broad generalizations about Russian culture. I would like to point out that Adam Ruzicka, whom you may have been referring to, is actually not Russian. He is Slovak, originating from Slovakia, which has its own distinct cultural and national identity separate from Russia. It's important to distinguish between different nationalities and cultures to avoid unfair stereotypes and misconceptions. Ruzicka's heritage and background are Slovakian, not Russian, and it is crucial to recognize the diversity within the international pool of hockey talent. By doing so, we can better appreciate each player's unique contributions to the team and the sport as a whole.

You can find me chilling in the dome with my buddy Jerome watching his baby bring the cup home. C's flaming on he's chest so you should know.


What about the Giga worms?

it's pure blasphemy to Scorch. Praise Scorch