As much as a they don’t like one another, they like the money more. They’re not going to talk until the show is done, or they do the spin offs start.

Gingerbread being cooked. My mother was a fantastic baker and used to make gingerbread homes for her friends at Christmas.

Absolutely agree. Her entire wedding was so tacky.

It was at night, but they looked like literal golden zigzags. Never happened before, and it blocked about 1/4 of my eyes vision. I took some excederin and went to bed, woke up to go pee, it was gone. Weirdest thing.

She reminds me of chewed gum in this pic 🤷🏻‍♀️

I say, send another one. It wouldn’t hurt. You’re doing the night thing. Had I not been told, it could have been so much worse for me - long term. The girl and I are still very good friends.

As a girl, that was sent this type of message, I just wanna say you’re a good person and are doing the right thing.

Age does make them worse, especially in peri/full menopause. The ocular disturbances (the zig zag lines) were a first. I typically get the floaters and they increase rapidly - the the migraine hits. Last night, nothing. Weirdest thing.

Hoping your migraine goes away! Good luck on exams!

Last night, for the first time, I had an retinol migraine with no headache. Lighting like zig zags in my right eye only. My visual disturbances have kicked up since I went into perimenopause.

It’s a dog bed, let Kinsley have it 🤣

I swear they go on coke benders and post wild ish. Thinking they’re in some Scorsese movie, or trying to land one. These ppl are unhinged. 🤣🤣🤣

His hair is so frustrating. He has this roundabout in his crown; who is he trying to fool? 🤣 🍜

There was this guy in my 3rd grade class, dudes name was Tony and he liked to lick chalkboards. Weird dude. Loves tacos too. SW Tony is a weird dude, he probably liked to lick chalkboards.

I’m cackling 🤣🤣🤣👌🏼💀

Jesus can’t even fix it 🤷🏻‍♀️

I saw a small clip, it does look like a dog bed. I thought she got Kinsley a new one… 😑