Have you looked at the templates section of the n8n website? https://n8n.io/workflows/

Really the possibilities are endless but it depends on what services you’re working with and the problems you’re looking to solve

The best thing about into the light as a returning somewhat casual player was that I didn’t have to grind levels. I was basically ready to give almost all content a shot even if I still wasn’t quite ready skill wise. Now I’m back to the grind, it feels less about doing fun content and more just trying to tick boxes so I can do fun content.

How is the size of an SSD in anyway related to the performance of one’s system?

i call this one "bird"

Size. Some people still are stuck with a 240GB or smaller SSD. This game is like 100GB from memory. That plus windows leaves not much room for anything else.

I didn't even understand why our character menu, journey etc. are buried in their own menu vs the director with quests maps etc. feels like it could all be consolidated into one menu.

We can only hope 🙏

Only way I can see you retaining Plex Amp "portably off the grid" so to speak, would be a Plex server running on a RPi broadcasting an access point. Phone connects to AP and music is served from the Pi. You can then setup a sync between your home library and "car" library. This is a very simple view, but there really wouldn't be much involved in getting that setup i don't think. Main hurdle is powering it and ensuring it shuts down when the car is off/boots up when car is started. Agian probably not hard, someone has 100% already got a guide for that somewhere I'm sure.. Only thing that could be weird is the iPhone wigging out that there is no internet available via the access point. not show how you can just access the "network" of your Pi but get the internet from cellular.

Racing Lagoon (has an English translation) should be added for the soundtrack alone.

One of the greats. It deserved better. Sure it’s launch was hell, but the Pacific update was fantastic (until the TTK nerf drama). Hoping that the anti cheat addition for PC (although years late) adds some life back to the game, at least for the Oceania community.

Busy generally. Depending who’s playing could be busier. But yeah.. could be packed? You’ll be fine on your own. Get in there and make some friends.

If it’s the face mask cover and purple/orange version I don’t think it is that rare. I have one