والله كونو انو انت ما بتقراو ف دي مشكلتك وكونوا انو انت ما بتقرا وبتجي ترد وتنبز ساي دي مشكلة كبيرة جداً وبتفسر ردودك الما منطقية دي وقفزك من موضوع للتاني

وبما انك ما بتقرا انا ما حاكمل باقي تعليقك دا ذاتو ولا الباقيات لمن تبدأ تقرأ تعال راجع

خليك محترم القاعدة رقم 1 القيمرز عندهم حاجة بقولوها "don't hate the player, hate the game" كان انت تابع لي تقدم ولا معجب بيهم ساي والكلام دا مضايقك أقرع زولك البتكلم دا ما تجيني انا عشان اذعت الكلام زمن الغتغتة والدسديس انتهى.

Internal conflict within the "Taqadum" group, the political wing of the Janjaweed terrorist militia.

All the fighters are members of the group, they say that some of them tried to shout against the Janjaweed, but you cannot enter the Janjaweed political wing's conference and shout against them, and this is what sparked the battle.

Internal conflict within the "Taqadum" group, the political wing of the Janjaweed terrorist militia.

All the fighters are members of the group, they say that some of them tried to shout against the Janjaweed, but you cannot enter the Janjaweed political wing's conference and shout against them, and this is what sparked the battle.

Internal conflict within the "Taqadum" group, the political wing of the Janjaweed terrorist militia.

All the fighters are members of the group, they say that some of them tried to shout against the Janjaweed, but you cannot enter the Janjaweed political wing's conference and shout against them, and this is what sparked the battle.

التسجيل الصوتي منتشر عند عدد كبير من الشخصيات الموثوقة احتمالية ذكاء اصطناعي ضعيفة

This article can be described as an intentional disinformation operation to cover up the crimes of the terrorist organization, but it is not the only reason to describe the editor as Janjaweed-affiliated.

However, in this article, it seems he was desperate to find an exit for the Janjaweed from this accusation.

The fact that he has not apologized for this misinformation until now confirms that it was an intentional disinformation effort.

The article published a rumor that the terrorist attack was a "False flag" and accused the armed forces of attacking themselves, in order to cover up the fact that the terrorist Janjaweed obtained long-range suicide drones from the UAE and used them to target a gathering of families of the injured and martyrs in a terrorist attack similar to what ISIS does when they bomb churches and mosques.

To see how absurd and false this is, the evidence he presented was the smile of one of the victims of the terrorist attack while being transported to the hospital and his lack of distress from the injury.

According to his perspective, this smile is evidence that the Sudanese armed forces carried out the attack on themselves.

However, the Janjaweed did not wait long, as they soon began to use that type of drone extensively after the terrorist attack.

Until now, the Janjaweedy editor has not apologized for his lies, fabrications, and spreading of fake news intentionally.

ما شايف أوضح من مقالتو بعد الهجوم الإرهابي على صالة انفينيتي أثناء إفطار جرحى القوات المسلحة وكتائب البراء عشان توضح انو جنجويدي.

I do not believe that there is anyone neutral in this war. There are those who support the Janjaweed, such as the editor of SWM, and there are those who support the army, such as Raad.