My first job was when I was 12 years old. I watched our neighbors/landlords house and garden for two weeks. I took care of their pets and their horse and calf.

We had a terrible drought that year in California (1977) and I was able to save their garden, and keep their pets happy and safe.

Teens are fine, as long as there is some adult supervision.

A rusty kid sized mountain bike. No way this guy is driving

Why is that cartoon man humping the U?

What does it mean?

Would be hilarious if a friend did that as a joke, and they're driving around without knowing.

Having lived there as a "native" of 29 Palms, I was appalled.

I felt like he didn't have any friends that would have noticed him missing and it was odd.

I cannot stand the heat there, hence I moved in the north near Canada.

Rip Rother, forever young.

So sorry. I lived in the Stumps as a civilian, and remember when it happened. I was shocked that not one person noticed him missing.

So terrible.

I'm here. Listening to spooky stories about truckers on the road

What's his favorite game?

And I am glad my sweet little tetras are safe from this odious little parasite.

It's so terrible. I think it's human nature to think

"Oh this will never happen to me".

Please be careful out there, all of you.

The 1970's was nothing but airline hijackings it seemed.

It was crazy. At the same time, it was fun to fly.

God that's dark.

The whole thing makes me sick.

We were 8 hours north of NYC, I was working in a cheese plant owned by mafia (Losurdos cheese).

They called us and reported seeing the smoke.

Terrible, terrible day. God help every last person who died.

  1. Shower baby shower.

  2. I have to drag my hose through the house b/c there is no spigot in the back.

My neighbor asked if I was watering my living room, rolf.

But guess what? It's worth it. My garden is looking good

What a strange picture.

They're all dressed up, and sitting on a bed.

The frame is interesting too.

No, no, peace. I apologize. I foolishly voted for that b!stard Obama.

Off topic, but there are very few good Politicians.

One of the greatest was Congressman Leo Ryan (D) who literally died b/c he went to investigate his constituents concerns about Jonestown.

I even voted for Biden in 2020 and within the first week of him being president I instantly regretted it.

Glad you came to your senses.
I just wonder what made you think he was a good choice.

I was a Green Party member (now Independant) and voted for Trump.

I've never seen things as bad as they are now. Three jobs and I cannot F@cking get ahead.

I like the little laugh emoji you added.

Are you mocking us?!!

Congrats seriously, that is a banger

He was foolish. I wish people realized that even domestic animals can turn on you. ( the most dangerous animal of all is humans. I love us and hate us) That said, he did not deserve this, nor did his poor girlfriend. It cost the bears their lives too, for doing what is normal to bears.

I messaged the mods.

I can't stand it anymore, I have to know,lol