Cecilia Evergreen spotted, very happy during her debut stream that Dishonored was one of her favourite games.

Did the exact thing you did, started reading during cour 1 of season 2. Done the Ln and don't regret reading all the stuff I saw before, very glad I did in fact.

Yeah Dishonored was one of the first I thought of. Plays fantastic, great worldbuilding and characters, art style makes it ageless.

Good to know, thanks. Just need to read them and I'm done I guess. Reading Re:Zero atm so will have to be a good bit.

Thanks for the heads up, also is this it for now? Do you know if Rifujin is working on more of the series? Heard something about a sequel to Mushoku Tensei but not sure.

Its the "Redundancy with deleted chapters" one yeah? Interested to see this now, never got around to reading it. This is all of redundancy also?

I loved the shotguns from The Evil Within, Singularity and Prey 2017.

  • Dishonored
  • Prey 2017
  • Witcher 3
  • Batman Arkham City
  • Darkwood

Frankly 5 is so little to pick from

I've seen that video, why I mentioned the 10% of the enemy current health. Also why I mentioned last year in reference to after the 4.0 update (granted should've been more clear on that). Either way it just seems to be more effective later in the game than early with more intensity.

Aard Shockwave questionHelp!

Just to clarify, I'm level 14 on Death March.
I remember Shockwave making Aard do stupid damage numbers, however with it maxed its only doing 146~ damage. I used it on my previous playthrough last year later in the game. is it pretty weak early game then due to the level scaling? I thought it was to do 10% of the enemies current health, does this also scale with intensity for damage (think mine is about 146%)?

Alchemy in Skyrim, its stupid how easy making money is with it, breaking weapon or armor stats or making insta kill potions or infinite paralysis for sneak builds.

Oh no I mean when I got into Darkwood and found your videos was last year, should've been more clear on that.

I keep animations in a separator at the very bottom to overwrite any animation or skeletons. So far it works (novice to modding myself).

There is only one mod that Inject overwrites and that is "Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod"
this is at the bottom of the [Bug Fixes] I have following VNV. Here is the link if it helps

Anyway, yeah I'll give the new LO below:
Player Headtracking
360 Movement
Diagonal movement
Better Stand Up Animation
Dramatic Staggering
New Vegas Animation Overhaul Guns
Hit - Classic Fallout Weapon Animations - Part 1
Butcher Pete Complete - A Melee Animation Overhaul
Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered - Butcher Pete Animation Patch
B42 Weapon Inertia
B42 Loot - Animated Physical Item Pickup - ESPless
B42 Interact (Main) - Animated Items and Interactions Framework - ESPless
Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack
Hit - B42 Interact Skinning
B42 Inspect - aka Animated Ammo and Weapon Condition Checking
B42 Inject (Main) - Animated Item Use - ESPless
Hit - B42 Inject - Sunset Sarsaparilla Animations
Hit - B42 Inject - Water Animations
ED-E Ragdoll Mod Collision Fix
Hit - B42 Inject - Liquid Courage
Hit - B42 Inject - Meat Animations
Hit - B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 1
Hit - Drugs
Hit - B42 Inject Anim Pack - Season 1 - JSawyer Ultimate Patch
Vanilla Animations Weapon Scale Fix
B42 Quickthrow - Ragdoll patch
Diagonal movement - Ragdoll patch
Player Headtracking Ragdoll Patch
NV Compatibility Skeleton

Oh yeah they work now, honestly now sure why to be honest. Just messing with the load order got it to work.

Singularity, seeing early gameplay footage and trailers makes me wish the team had more time to cook in the oven.
Plus older gameplay came more across as an immersive sim but with time powers.

Played this game until its dying breath on Xbox, got a pc now, plan to play again since the community still play the game.

Jesus I always forget about this, just used it last week for Fallout NV also. Massive thanks. Would 40 or even 50 fps be fine? Not an issue with 30, played to 100% back on my 360, just wondering.

Controller sensitivity on PC how to fix?

I tried to lower the mouse sensitivity in the launcher but the controller goes all over the place with slight movement, I'd image its tied to frame rate. I have a 144hz monitor, is there a way to cap the frame rate to 60 or even 30? I also turned off Vsync.

I'd recommend following Viva New Vegas, it starts into modding but you can follow up to "Base Finish" to get the game to run. There are extra stuff below if interested.