The delivery is trash. But some of those statements??? Ouf the truth is harsh…

I agree with your first paragraph. The only other race that comes to mind is Indian. Technically Indians have African roots. Anyways.

I think it’s a much bigger issue & I won’t get too deep into it but….we should love each other & uplift each other . POC get torn down every single day. Mentally, physically, psychologically, financially. Shit, I can’t even log onto X to check the news without seeing some racist shit. As far as inter race hate it seems like manufactured hate.

It’s in our music, tv shows, on our social media pages. These narratives are constantly pushed onto us. “Black men ain’t shit”. “Black women ain’t shit” ….but you know what? Fractured homes negate prosperity.

His mistake was saying he wouldn’t do any of that. Oh well, he’s young.

But kissing another girl that he likes? It has everyone ready to castrate him lmao.

Someone once told me….

“If someone sees you arguing with an idiot, then all they really see is 2 idiots arguing.”

Everyone is set in their opinions here. Doesn’t matter how much sense you make. So they’ll never see Leah, Serena , whoever in a bad light.

But I agree.

JaNa saying she better not sit next to you to Kaylor. The og girls making disgusted faces or making people feel uncomfortable. You would think we’re watching temptation island & these people just lost 2-5 year relationships.

Me and my girl were talking about this earlier!

Black guy likes white woman = he’s insecure, it stems from self hate, etc

Black lady likes white guy = she’s strong, she’s secure, she can pick whoever she wants

Historically speaking, if you’re a black dude, you have to be perfect. Can’t make mistakes no matter how major or minor.

The Kordell haters are really coming out & showing their ass ☠️

His crime to humanity: saying he wasn’t going to do something (kiss someone he’s interested in because he’s basically in a friendship couple) …& then doing it!! Straight to jail!

Edit: the downvotes give me life keep them coming 😂

Serena was honest & straight forward about how she felt early on. Basically cutting it off and saying we’re just friends bro.

Suddenly she didn’t just feel “friend” energy & wanted to be open to exploring things. Was the timing coincidental? Idk. Was it convenient? Yes. Was it malicious? Probably not. Love island is all about exploring & being open to potential connections.

Love island has a way of making contestants force connections knowingly or unknowingly.

Imo she maybe convinced herself that she likes him for now. & that’s okay! I don’t think she actually likes him tbh. It doesn’t make her a bad person. We can’t speak to how the environment influences people’s decisions.

I agree with most of what you said. He’s not in the wrong for exploring that connection.

He should have never said “I’m going to respect Serena and not kiss outside of challengers” imo. Makes him look dumb now.

I personally still like him.

It didn’t take long for him to start getting intimate with this girl. He said that he wouldn’t even kiss anyone outside of challenges. He made a mistake & that’s ok.

Ok so where’s the misunderstanding here idgi

The same. He’s in bed making out with someone he knew for 3 days. Knowing that Serena will see all of this & that it could hurt her.

Sounded like sometimes he’d misspeak & just let out random sounds.

But I’m Dominican so I can’t say much..

Bro couldn’t wait to speak his broken Spanish lmao

Let’s be real Aaron would’ve left Kaylor for Andrea if she wanted him 😭

To that one person who told me Kendall isn’t black & that I’m not black..ha ha