Late to this but Head of Steam will not let you know with pub golf gear on. Watched a bunch of lads get turned away recently.

You need to speak to these places first. Otherwise you’ll be wandering around getting turned away, which is shit.

I giant iceberg would certainly supply all their annual water needs. I don’t think towing them is feasible thought. They’re absolutely huge and would need massive ships.

Yeah we had a Holden Commodore Station wagon. Bought it in Sydney for $500. Drove it to Cairns. Sold it for $600. Brilliant.

As with most things humans do, building and expanding is the easy part, and what we’re good at. Maintaining and ensuring long term sustainability of non-renewable resources…not so much.

Nice. This was 20yrs ago! So I’m glad to hear they’re attempting to tackle it.

50% of the cost of making a coffee goes on the person who made it for you and rent/rates.

The coffee itself is 5%


My old University lecturer (one the worlds top hydrogeologists) once told me that Perth would be the first proper major city to be completely abandoned. Because they were unsustainably tapping their three major aquifers, which took hundreds of thousands of years to fill. Basically a non-renewable source.

Although he was well respected, he did come out with some mental shit.

So my question- is that true? Is aquifer water use a discussed topic? Or is it head in the sand?

I got a speeding fine in Auz. I told the copper we were backpacking and he told me not to bother paying it and enjoy our trip lol.

My TV, my iMac, my bike and some cash.

Most of the stuff was still in boxes. I hadn’t even opened the TV. I bought my first house. Got some new stuff and it was all stolen the second night.

I’d only just taken out contents insurance that day. The loss adjuster came round and my house was completely empty lol. Was a bit awkward and I can only describe his expression as 🤨

Got my iMac and bike back after they got caught.

That is…a remarkably good explanation. They would have needed to be absolutely rapid as I went straight from looking out my window to the upstairs landing.

But I’m going to now choose that as a final resolution because the alternative is me just being absolutely insane.

I’ve only had one thing happen to me in life that would qualify. Couldn’t be bothered to post it there. But now seems as good a time as any.

I lived with three lodgers in my house. I have an external garage that I can see from my bedroom window. The door leads to the garden. That’s where the freezer is so often my lodgers would be in there grabbing food.

I came home one Saturday afternoon. Walked into my room and could see the garage door open. I could see the key swinging in the lock. I stood there for about a minute and nobody came out. Casually strolled downstairs, out into the garden. Garage door shut. Huh, they must have some back inside. House is pretty quiet. One of them must be in their room. Go around and knock. Nope. Nobody in.

At no point do I even consider that someone hadn’t just been in there. I text them all. All of them had been out all day. I have cameras on the front and back, so nobody could’ve come in or out without me seeing.

My head just melted. The only rational explanation was that I completely hallucinated the door being open. For a full minute. It was so clear in my head. The key swinging.

I think about it a lot.

Moaning about the local council is a sport in the UK. Some of it is fair. Some of it is a bit over the top. In Cardiff, after a big night, wandering around at 3am it will look like a literal war zone. The whole centre will be covered in shit from drunken revellers.

By the morning it is spotless, every single time.

They need more resources. But honestly, the people here need to take responsibility too. The amount of fly-tipping and litter dropping I see is insane.

The thing about councils is most of their budget goes on adult and child social care and housing. Only a tiny fraction goes on bins and waste. The costs for looking after old people and child services have ballooned.

I lived in Cardiff my whole life. 40 odd years. I’ve basically lived that entire time relatively close to the centre. It’s been good to me, I wouldn’t live anywhere else in the UK. Not because I think it’s the best place to live - but all my stuff is here. And my friends.

First of all I love sports. So I can watch my local football team and my national team, and both club and national rugby all within walking distance from my house. We’ve also got cricket in the summer. I can also play plenty of sports. We have good facilities here.

I like we often host big events - again sports, but also big concerts. I like the buzz of the city on big days. The Millennium Stadium is one of the best in Europe for the overall match day experience IMO. Very few cities have their major stadium right in the middle. Stuff like the Champions League final was great for the city.

The parks are great. Walking down the river can feel like you’re in the countryside at times. I like to cycle from the Bay up to Llandaff. Some of our Victorian neighbourhoods are beautiful.

It’s nice having a castle in the middle.

There’s a lot of variety within an hour or two of the city. Beaches, mountains, countryside. I like to go mountain biking or kayaking.

There’s a decent choice of food if you know where to look - I love wandering round Cardiff Market or the arcades.

Overall it’s a pretty friendly, laidback sort of place. Lots of visiting friends have remarked on this.

Negatives - serious litter issues, very congested with traffic, issues with anti-social behaviour in the centre. But I generally feel safe, it was pretty rough/violent back in the day.

When the suns out and there’s stuff going on, I absolutely love it. Some days, after weeks of rain, seeing a particularly litter covered street, it can feel bleak. Such is life.

Hopefully they reopen that stretch that’s been closed for years. I like doing a loop of the bay with my dog and that bit frustrates me every time!

If you’re on Reddit. And someone says they work remotely in other country - it’s software.

I’ve waited my whole life for Wales to qualify for a World Cup and it had to be that one. I couldn’t even be arsed to go despite travelling to away matches all over Europe on the regular.

Should’ve added, it’s at the back of the train station on Penarth Rd.