surprisingly it happens way more often than you'd think, every which of my contaminated cultures have done this same thing. the contam is still there but vigorous mycelium which is most of the Cubensis tree will always do this

because black just looks the best 🤷‍♂️

edit: also yeah chrome on silver looks kinda weird unless you plan to get a wrap

epigenetics, it does not originate from the actual genetics but rather the environment. caused by petroleum and lysol most commonly, this is called rosecomb.

i mean yeah but opening the tub doesn't seem like it would help much

pic 3 is glazing my eyes. lovin the girth of that stipe for jack frost, n idk if it's just me but looking at the gills is one of the trippiest things about em before you actually trip lmao.

if i grew JF again i'd let them go on til the spores bruise for the iconic look. very nice💯

lol i'm alright with that, came here correct and as expected i left correct.

the literal epitome of a joke. i've looked at your page, the fact that you do grow makes me even more confused as to why you're saying this doesn't effect your flushes. choosing not to comment for teachings and instead commenting to be combative just proves my point, this is irrelevant now. feel like by the way you're speaking it should be pretty irrelevant to you even if it is fact. not opinion, fact. you cant prove that wrong no matter what you do.

very combative to the truth. i'll deal ya better, you're just a tard overall. this is insanity

i would figure the same, reason i told you to do more shrooms. this is ridiculous how you have not referred to a single thing i have said to prove me wrong. this convo is now irrelevant, sorry to waste your time! i really was just trying to get my point across and i apologize if it seems confusing to you.

-and also makin it clear that because of that i doubt you'll teach many people what's fact and what's not, this is barely educational if i am the one that's wrong. i've given you plenty of fact.

tried to give you a factual comment, but okay. nice immaturity, take more shrooms.

*also germination is a very common term within this hobby, don't know how you're confused by that, but your inexperience proves me so right. thank you.

no this is a fact. i don't need a bioscience degree to have experience, and to say "you make up a story to justify your experience" doesn't even begin to make sense. nothing here was made up, i told you that you will not get canopies after a full sporulation period. that is not false, feel free to prove me wrong. now if you dunked your cake which is fully colonized(another reason why sporulation could act negatively given germination time) the spores would wash off, so your next flushes would not be effected in yield or overall potential.. the mycelium itself knows the purpose to reproduce and what i meant by it may go "dormant" is really just pointing to the fact that it will produce LESS. and what exactly would spores do on an already colonized substrate.. after they germinate? you certainly wont gain anything, and if you do leave spores then germination will cause a longer standstill between flushes before you really see your pinsets coming in compared to if you had no spores or germination on the surface at all

i.. really could've just typed this for the things you said man but i decided to explain to you why i disagree. it's a fact that mycelium produces mushrooms to reproduce, what do you think happens after they fulfill that goal. it's just common sense, on top of my experience with sporulation. in the wild it's different, sporulation in an enclosed environment will most definitely take away from your overall yield. if you don't mind that it's not a problem but you are not getting canopies after sporulation. sorry🤷‍♂️

they absolutely do, but you're right in saying you will still HAVE future flushes even if they sporulate. the problem is once mycelium makes a full spore drop, it signals to go dormant since the life cycle would be considered complete by then. you'll have straggler shrooms growing but no canopies, likely no clusters, very sparse growth once full sporulation is achieved. mycelium will only still be able to produce a bit from remaining nutrients since it won't really be using its vigor anymore

in the first pic this actually does look like LC😂 see a wispy layer between the solution and im guessing mycelium is that wispiness clumped together. like a cloud. damn howd you do this in a water bottle?

i'll be even more stunned if it's completely sterile of contam.

gotchu, n yeah pan cyan are very fast to grow. for me it usually takes only a week or so from S2B to harvest. and yes about the stress, the contaminants here would be causing the stress and therefor some metabolites. don't get me wrong it can still hold its vigor, as i said it will do fine for a bit.

however, eventually at some point contamination will inhibit mycelium's vigor and it will lose. that green specifically that you mention spreading just as fast seems like trich, i've noticed that pan cyan actually competes with trich in regard to fruiting times lmao. might beat it, just take any precautions necessary if things go south too quick in the tub. i'll be lookin out for an update

rosecomb can also tend to come from petroleum and hydrocarbons, if you've used any product at all i'd check the ingredients but sometimes it's also just cross-contamination; as in mycelium was exposed to trace amounts and not a direct source for the rosecomb. happens very commonly to growers, i have yet to see rosecomb in my grows but it may be because i have never used the products that cause rosecomb in my tubs or space at any point

yea this would be a mutation but more of a defect

my first guess was metabolites but it also appears to have a deeper hue to it in the middle ? so that makes me think maybe it's a growing contaminant plus mycelium metabolizing in the same spot, which the same thing might also be happening in areas you can't see too well or that are completely hidden(and is that condensation around it?)

metabolites are a stress response after all so it's possible, but you may have a better input then me since you've been monitoring this the whole time

another edit- actually the yellow could also be slime mold if i'm seeing that formation correctly, if that really is one uniform thing

you can keep this growing but also just keep in mind if you do then it's very likely you wont get further flushes with the contam, eventually one contaminant will outcompete the rest and clearly you'll keep having spots show, so if you don't mind losing weight in your yield or harvests altogether then i guess it doesn't matter what you choose really.

they'll do fine for a bit.

You can also consider to run clones with this mutation and later do a mass grow to hopefully get some reverts. any mutation can revert back to its previous phenotype, in this case pretty much that. Enigma can certainly mutate from spores, there have been cases with Melmak(granted it has PE genetics), but also non-PE related strains have shown enigmatic mutation. GT has mutated into Enigma before, source: people showing off their grows online lol (i do believe to an extent that all Cubensis have a chance to mutate into Enigma if this is the case where it can be unrelated to PE as a phenotype, most mutate from a strain of PE lineage but the outliers are there, personally i think it's more related to the genotype; being Cubensis as a specie if that's true). if this really did mutate from Amazonian spores the reverts will tell you exactly that being they essentially revert to the prior form. it's uncommon to happen but the chances are high enough that the idea of a mass grow would showcase that process in action, at least a little bit. better odds then one grow at a time!

then from there if you didn't necessarily like the Enigma experience growing/indulging you can just clone one of those reverts and stabilize from there, so that you won't feel the need to buy more Amazonian spores or make more LC if all that you have now in the mother jar is also showing mutation.