Neris back in for his weekly battle with the strike zone

We have a lot of automatic outs in this lineup.

Not surprised Mastrobuoni was standing there with his dick in his hand instead of attacking that ball

"Mr. Levy, sir, I'm afraid all those players have retired and, uh, passed on. In fact, your right back has been dead for 130 years." "Damnation!"

Everyone pointing out Detroit getting #5, but I'd also point out the Hornets having the worst net rating of any team in the last ten years (tied with one season of OKC and one of Philly) and ending up with #6.

:chc2: Chicago Cubs

I empathize with Pirates fans, who simultaneously want to boo management for pulling Skenes and also give him a well-deserved ovation.

:chc2: Chicago Cubs

How Paul Skenes Will Affect LeBron's Legacy; And Can He Bring Messi to Pittsburgh?

Myers now has as many walks this inning as Shota has in his MLB career.

:chc2: Chicago Cubs

Ohtani talking to Yamamoto and Imanaga like, "See? I told you MLB is easy."

"What a pro wants" is intact cruciate ligaments.

:chc2: Chicago Cubs

See Hector? All you gotta do is sometimes throw that ball in the rectangle you can see on TV.

You want to give him the benefit of the dou- oh it's Kyle Lowry.

I'm smiling through it all. Can't believe this is my life.

ESPN if you want to show that highlight of Ant you can just show it.

Tossing a healthy and re-tooled Memphis into an already-loaded West. Gonna be interesting.