You’re a cone head. Stop pretending like you know what you’re talking about

I’m glad you told us you’re a Boglehead like that validates your opinion or something. VT is so mid why would you not go for something with higher returns

You’re gonna want to start off renting until the housing market crashes then you strike, buy your 400k house for 275k and live there til the market goes back up, sell your house for 425k, buy you a house worth 200k for 150k in cash and you’re balling.

You can file an appeal. You get 1 time on Robinhood, just message one of the people on there and they will take it off

Not really… I thought it was quite obvious that it was gonna bounce back

Since you were bragging your ass off I hope to god you didn’t sell yet. That would be some nice karma

Yea bro I’m in the leveraged one. Was down like 500 and now I’m up 200 on it

Today was not the day for being up early in the AM. I was down 500 on Nvidia at 2 and now im up money. Good thing I didn’t listen to the jack offs saying it was gonna keep dropping 👴🏻

Not sure exactly what one you meant by this but I have 50k 10k of it is in a Roth Ira and the other 40k is split up between various EFTs and stocks

Thank you for posting that here that is so relevant to RK!

Nah I’m not one of the Nvidia sluts, but buying inverse leverage of the hottest stock is quite balsy.

I’ll give you 2 bucks and a used paper clip

Gotta be 18 to invest. I wanted to start at 14 but had to wait a long 4 years. Had 20k at 17 from working and couldn’t do shit with it until I turned 18. The U.S. is bs with their age limits

Yea fair enough. My current plan is to pull everything in November before the election, because according to past years that’s where the bear market begins.

That’s pretty solid. What’s your opinion on leveraged EFTS and stocks? Would you consider doing them after seeing the returns?

Good question, highest I’d be comfortable with is 6X. If I did this I would most def do your bear start of waiting til a recession or correction (that’s what I was talking about by your bear strategy).