I got to watch me "steal" the chopsticks that come with the store sushi.

He's on a tour right now. I just saw him a week ago, I think he's fine!

The ticket prices for this one seem super inflated. It's over $100 for the lawn. Are the Chili Peppers usually that expensive?

I think it looks pretty rad! I'd love to see it when it's healed and your hair is styled.

We are just saving them for something special... right? Right?!

I used to pop in there just to smell the glycerine soaps!

Me too! And then I saw the big cacoons (?) with people in them and proceeded have nightmares for years.

He was also excellent in Mad Men

My standard would hike all day, every day if he could!

Yeah, people with Red-Green color blindness can usually see blue very vividly.

It's giving Susie Greene from Curb Your Enthusiasm!

How did it look to the naked eye?

My poodles sneezes like that too when he's excited!

I thought I was going crazy! I felt like she was on before too!

This cannot be real and if it is - YAH definitely and also a pedophile. She dodged a bullet by not marrying you.

I'll put it next to my ping pong table that we never used

I've eaten brie that stinks so bad but somehow tastes really good. I would imagine its a similar experience.

I second this, especially if the weather is warm enough to sit outside.

I mean... I'm sure they are good, but I wish I could have seen them with Freddie.

It's true. Normal used her croissant as an ice cream cone last year and it was HEAVENLY.