From what I've read, yes; anthropogenic climate change is overblown, and the people who tell us that Earth's climate is going to kill us all are primarily interested in control and profit, not saving the planet.

I agree. Lies are not very funny. Especially big ones that make some people a lot of money.

Where can I buy one? Looks soooo cool.

Brother, we are the new boomers. Don't you get it?

Only 43 more and he will be set.

Do 90 days and tell me you don't feel like a total beast.

Damn, brother! You should write a book. I thoroughly enjoyed that read. DM me if you need a copy editor.

If by "playing Batman" you mean minding your own business, but being prepared to defend yourself and your family if violence presents itself, then yes.

I know zero gun owners who want to find themselves in a firefight, or patrol the streets looking for criminals (which is what Batman does).

Is compulsory taxation at every turn not "trampling people's rights?"

What did you do to cause a mishap? Did you post your dong or something?

I can't rely on a quick wank and call it a day. It doesn't even feel good like that anymore.

This sounds like something an addict would say. If you're doing it frequently then it's going to feel boring and routine.

Have you ever tried taking a break and just not masturbating for a few weeks or a few months?

Best advice I've seen in this entire thread.

Best of luck to you in this Reddit comments battle, but you're arguing with people who generally have little-to-no understanding of basic economics.

What do people say? I have three knives from them and like each one quite a bit.

The part where the main character's dad beats the shit out of a homeless dude is pretty intense.

My brain: remembers when somebody handed Trump a rainbow flag at a rally and he held it up and people cheered.

Or when he signed an executive order to fund HBCUs indefinitely. Did his supporters get angry? No.

I agree with the other commenter; I think you're projecting, or attacking a caricature that you have in your head of "the average Trump voter."