Because they aren’t required to & make money selling them.

Mine get the sniff test & washed 2x per week. They are too expensive to wear out by washing daily.

We got them from ours when we relocated. The only thing they usually refuse is to give out contact lens prescription.

Unfortunately you need to keep up to date on the master policy and make sure you carry adequate Loss Assessment coverage. Apparently you only had $10k coverage which is usually the minimum. We have a $25k deductible on ours and advised unit owners at the last annual meeting to make sure they are carrying enough coverage.

We fid this and almost hot divorced. She listened to fox news anytime she was awake. The things she would say that I laughed at when we didn’t live together became a huge irritation. She could project her cough like a truck driver & refused yo ask dr about it….”I’ve always coughed”.

The biggest issue though was that we had NO ptivacy.

Edit: what is she contributing to the household? Is she paying rent?:

Don’t be too surprised if you still get non-renewed….you just told them that you have an ongoing liability issue (their point of view, not mine). Insurance companies are looking for any reason to drop customers these days.

Paying for someone else’s roof is literally what an HOA is. You are part of a group of owners that pool their funds to pay for all maintenance, repairs & replacements. If your unit $100k in maintenance, it would be split between all Homeowners. Just as, if other buildings ned roof work & yours doesn’t, you still have to pay your share.

You don’t negotiate. You file a police report for ID Theft. The police may or may not investigate (they get 1000s of these reports a week by people trying to clear their credit ) and may or may not charge your parents.

Once you have filed the police report, contact the creditors and file a ID Theft claim with them. They should remove the line item from your credit eithin 30 days. They may contact the police & push them to investigate.

Personally, I would be on the phone every day with the police & DA pushing for prosecution. What your parents did was the exact opposite of how you treat your children. They deserve to be strung up. And then telling you that you need your pay it???? Cut yourself off from them and save yourself the future heartache.

Have her screened for anxiety & depression. This is a pretty typical symptom of senior depression.

You don’t have to have a lease or rental agreement to be considered a tenant. Also, your renter does have tenant protections even without a written agreement. If they don’t want to leave, you have to evict.

I’m 62 and don’t even own an iron. If it can’t be “de-wrinkled in the dryer…it’s next stop is goodwill.

That’s what this entitlement society doesn’t understand.

You could do like movie theaters & sell bottled water….no water cups provided.

I even have a waggle temperature alarm in my camper. It alerts me if power goes out or temperature / humidity gets beyond the parameters I set. I cannot imagine having dogs in an outbuilding without something like this.

My son had a severe concussion & ER sent him home. 3 days later he had a seizure. Please opt for Cobra & follow up with a Dr.

My husband & I are early 60’s & grandson was born last week. We worked really hard to strike the balance of being supportive but not intrusive. We took our camper so that we didn’t need to stay with them. We visited no more than 3 hours a day. We made meals to put in their freezer & helped with whatever was needed. We still had lots of baby holding time.

My take was that new parents don’t need another presence in their household…they need to get I to a routine. I would never recommend staying with them, you can be helpful but still give them their space. If I was physically unable to help, we would have stayed home & gone for a visit a few weeks later.

If you signed a lease & it is legit (just shitty communicator), you will be on the hook for the lease terms.

Set a daily reminder for him to charge it. It will alert him.

You will need to bring your own soap. No fragrance free available.

There is a form you can fill out on RC website for special requests due to food allergies/other issues.

RC takes this very seriously. We filled out one asking if fragrance free soaps were available (they are not) & it was passed on to our stateroom attendant & waiter…they thought they couldn’t wear fragrances around us, lol.

They do dynamic pricing based on how many reservations & cancellations they have. It can change the price minute to minute. I once had a cabin show a price online, but called to book it (big mistake)….by the time I got someone, the price was no longer available.

YOU don’t decide on pressing charges, the DA does. Your decision point was getting the police involved.